
Saturday, June 03, 2023

Hat 🎩 on: The forest said nothing it just let her breathe

Hattons’ partying 🎊 on Nepean River Bella 

Politician, musician, painter, poet … wonderful father, friend and fighter for fair go …

Articles of Note

As a young man, Adam Kirsch didn't turn to George Michael and Madonna to learn about sex and sin. He turned to opera... more »

New Books

“The problem of the world is this,” Orwell told a friend late in life. “Can we get men to behave decently to each other if they no longer believe in God?”... more »

Essays & Opinions

Art critics seem less and less interested in art and more and more interested in money. Consider the triumph of Kehinde Wiley... more »

When The World Ends With A Whimper

"I like to imagine that I would survive, thrive even, conveniently forgetting that my life of indoor pursuits, reading, writing, and streaming drama box sets whilst ordering pizza, has probably not provided me with the skills I’d need." - LitHub

Yup — Using Big Words Doesn’t Make You Sound Smarter

“Complexity neither disguised the shortcomings of poor essays, nor enhanced the appeal of high-quality essays.” In other words, George Orwell got it right: “Never use a long word where a short one will do.” - Big Think

Breathe - Becky Hemsley 

She sat at the back

and they said she was shy,

she led from the front 

and they hated her pride.


They asked her advice 

and then questioned her guidance,

they branded her loud

then were shocked by her silence.


When she shared no ambition 

they said it was sad,

so she told them her dreams 

and they said she was mad.


They told her they’d listen

then covered their ears,

and gave her a hug while 

they laughed at her fears.


And she listened to all of it 

thinking she should,

be the girl they told her to be 

best as she could.


But one day she asked 

what was best for herself,

instead of trying 

to please everyone else.


So she walked to the forest 

and stood with the trees,

she heard the wind whisper 

and dance with the leaves.


She spoke to the willow, 

the elm and the pine,

and she told them what she’d 

been told time after time.


She told them she felt 

she was never enough,

she was either too little 

or far far too much.


Too loud or too quiet, 

too fierce or too weak,

too wise or too foolish, 

too bold or too meek.


Then she found a small clearing 

surrounded by firs,

and she stopped…and she heard 

what the trees said to her.


And she sat there for hours 

not wanting to leave,

for the forest said nothing

it just let her breathe.

Tina Turner Brought Rock & Roll Back Home To Black Women. "Black women could be rock stars because Tina Turner said so. Black women could be country singers."

How Does Humor Intersect With Grief and Fear?

Last week, popular YouTuber, author, and science communicator Hank Green announced that he had cancer (very treatable Hodgkin's lymphoma). His video announcement was part of a series of back-and-forth videos he does with his brother John Green, popular YouTuber and novelist. John replied to Hank's video with a short one of his own, noting that humor is one way that people deal with grief but also a way in which we can accompany people through tough times.

 Thomson Reuters brings forward vision to redefine the future of professionals with content-driven AI technology Copilot helps unlock the value of generative AI for legal professionals  a global content and technology company, today brings forward its vision to redefine the future of professionals through generative artificial intelligence (AI). 

At a time of rapid global innovation, Thomson Reuters is at the forefront, helping its customers unlock the potential to automate workflows, provide powerful insights, and drive efficiencies with content-driven AI technology. Following Thomson Reuters announcement that it intends to invest more than $100 million annually on AI capabilities at its Q1 FY23 results, the company also today announces a new plugin with Microsoft 365 Copilot, Microsoft’s advanced AI experiences across its productivity suite. 

This integration will bolster efforts for redefined professional work starting with legal research, drafting, and client collaboration.