
Friday, February 03, 2023

Could ChatGPT do my job?

Could ChatGPT do my job?

  • MIT Technology Review – Could ChatGPT do my job?…So far, newsrooms have pursued two very different approaches to integrating the buzziest new AI tool, ChatGPT, into their work. Tech news site CNET secretly started using ChatGPT to write entire articles, only for the experiment to go up in flames. It ultimately had to issue corrections amid accusations of plagiarism. Buzzfeed, on the other hand, has taken a more careful, measured approach. Its leaders want to use ChatGPT to generate quiz answers guided by journalists who create the topics and questions. You can boil these stories down to a fundamental question many industries now face: How much control should we give to an AI system? CNET gave too much and ended up in an embarrassing mess, whereas Buzzfeed’s more cautious (and transparent) approach of using ChatGPT as a productivity tool has been generally well received, and led its stock price to surge. But here’s the dirty secret of journalism: a surprisingly large amount of it could be automated, says Charlie Beckett, a professor at the London School of Economics who runs a program called JournalismAI. Journalists routinely reuse text from news agencies and steal ideas for stories and sources from competitors. It makes perfect sense for newsrooms to explore how new technologies could help them make these processes more efficient.
  • See also MIT Technology Review Research Report: Generative AI in Industrial Design and Engineering(Individual License $)
  • See also The Guardian – I’m a copywriter. I’m pretty sure artificial intelligence is going to take my job
  • See also WSJ – “Some businesses are figuring out how to harness the buzzy technology to improve online chat functions, though executives are wary of AI’s tendency to get things wrong. Businesses hope the artificial-intelligence technology behind ChatGPT can turn ordinary chatbots into impressive fonts of information, potentially transforming customer service. But many executives said they are proceeding with caution, given the limitations of ChatGPT—fine-tuned from GPT-3.5, a model created by startup OpenAI—as well as OpenAI’s older AI language system, GPT-3, which companies are already starting to integrate into digital products. ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI in November, quickly went viral for its often elegant, information-packed responses to various questions, gripping the imaginations of regular people, business leaders and investors including Microsoft Corp. whichSee also  began backing OpenAI in 2019 and said Monday that it would make a multibillion-dollar investment in the startup. OpenAI last week said it would soon add ChatGPT, which stands for chat generative pre-trained transformer, to its application programming interface, or API, which lets developers embed OpenAI technology into their own products. But customer-experience executives said overreliance on such AI models could lead to companies dishing out incorrect information to customers online without knowing they are doing so. While many chatbots are trained to deliver a version of “I don’t know” to requests they cannot compute, ChatGPT, for example, is more likely to spout off a response with complete confidence—even if the information is wrong…”
  • See also OpenAI has hired an army of contractors to make basic coding obsolete

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