
Friday, August 19, 2022

Duncan Wardle: Design Thinking & Innovation

MEdia Dragon 🐉 Masterclass 1: Design thinking for innovation

Think Different 

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do!

( via Emma BOYD of Bespoke Speakers fame

Duncan Wardle, Former Head of Innovation and Creativity, Disney (Book 📚 of Faces)

Do you ever wonder why most of your best ideas come to you in the shower, on the commute, while falling asleep, or some other such place? Have you ever pitched a new idea, only to watch it get diluted or killed as it moves through the processes?
The Design Thinking for Innovation 1-day workshop is an immersive program that teaches how to create an “innovation light switch” within an organization. Duncan Wardle will give each participant a unique set of Innovation Tools and Techniques – ones honed during his tenure at Disney as Head of Innovation and Creativity. It’s the same tool kit he uses today to teach innovation at companies like Apple, Amazon, and universities like Yale and Harvard.
Armed with these creative behaviours and innovation tools, your = organization will see immediate changes in your culture, and will be empowered to develop innovative, disruptive new ideas and solutions that will provide lasting, tangible benefits to your business for years to come.

Key takeaways

  • Each participant will learn how to use the Creative Behaviours.
  • Each participant will learn how to transfer the power of “my idea” to “our idea”, accelerating the opportunity to get it done.
  • The workshop is designed to engage both introverts & extroverts, and all three learning styles.
  • The workshop will cover the 2 Lateral Thinking Tools that help get people out of their “River of Thinking” (their expertise) and allow them to innovate.
  • Everyone will learn a common language around Innovation & Creativity.
  • The participants will learn how to use powerful storytelling techniques to convey ideas.
  • Masterclass 1: Design thinking for innovation 15 August 2022 AD

Bespoke Speakers is a talent booking agency that knows your events are unique and individual and help you achieve an event that will have audience members raving afterwards.

Duncan Wardle Bio

Ignite a culture of innovation and creativity in your company.

Having worked at Disney for 25 years, most recently as Head of Innovation and Creativity, Duncan now serves as an independent innovation consultant, helping companies embed a culture of innovation and creativity. 

Delivering a series of keynotes, workshops and ideation forums, his unique Design Thinking process helps people capture unlikely connections, leading to both fresh thinking and revolutionary ideas.

Leaning on his experience at Disney, Duncan's unique approach to Design Thinking not only places the end user at the core of the creative process but also looks in new and usual places to uncover insights for innovation and truly disruptive ideas. That is a competitive advantage that instantly propels any business to greater heights.

He is a multiple Ted X speaker and contributor to Fast Company Magazine. He teaches Innovation and Design Thinking Masterclasses at Yale University, UNC and U.F. He holds the American Citizen Award presented at the White House, an Hons. MBA and Hons. Doctorate from Edinburgh University and the Duke of Edinburgh Award, presented by Queen Elizabeth.