
Friday, June 17, 2022

While Organisations Promote incompetent Managers Even Yammer Will Not Help Those Irganisations to Survive Let Alone To Thrive

 I think I benefit from everything people post. This is a looking glass into my entire organization.

In a community of practice people “value their collective competence and learn from each other…” (Wenger, 2010)

What people really want, no matter who they are, is someone to listen to them ... people have a lot on their minds, however trivial, and if you're simply willing to sit there like a sack of dirt and let them yammer, they will tell it to you.

 - Author: Chip Kidd

Why Yammer? Perspectives from community professionals

Published Feb 12 2022 12:37 PM5,444 Views

The spark for this collaboration was a thought provoking article from Peter Rising’s excellent M365 A-Z series. In Microsoft-land Y is for Yammer and Peter presented a perspective on Yammer which resulted in some constructive discussion on Twitter about the why of Yammer.


You can read Peter’s original blog post which includes a statement apologising for any offense he may have caused. I wasn’t personally offended in any way. What I love about Peter’s post is that it presents a perspective on Yammer that is very common. I don’t even think it’s necessarily wrong. As with all things the answer is an it depends on context, understanding the problem to be solved, and the pros/cons of the ways different tools can bring a solution.

As is the way in the Microsoft technology community we have come together with Peter to share our knowledge and answer the question, Why do we need Yammer?


A skeptics guide to the why of Yammer

By Peter Rising @PeterRising 


It’s fair to say that I didn’t warm to Yammer when I first became aware of it in 2014. I struggled to see where it fitted into the Office 365 story. The company I worked for at the time enabled Yammer, we all signed up to it, and quickly agreed that we didn’t know why we would use it, so we didn’t – at least not in my two years working there, I can’t speak beyond that. 

While Everyone has a voice Rotten Managers Can Kill Those Voices

Yammer is an app that you can’t afford to ignore — here’s why