
Friday, June 24, 2022


There's a long history of humans getting wrapped up in the belief that a creation has a life or a soul. An 1960s era computer program even tricked a few people into thinking the simple code was really alive.


The End of the Asset Economy

Rising interest rates are ending an era in which the rich got much, much richer

Coalition government spent $6m prosecuting Bernard Collaery and three other whistleblowers

Exclusive: Figures provided to the Guardian reveal exorbitant legal bill for pursuing cases against Collaery, Witness K, Richard Boyle and David McBride

MR Anthony Torre charged with stealing and fraud

A note to the trolls

Over 80% of all new commentators on this blog of late have turned out to be trolls. They offer comments that are intended to be
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In 2018, there were approximately 14,698 deepfake videos circulating online. Since then, the number has soared through the popularity of deepfake apps like DeepFaceLab, Zao, FaceApp and Wombo.

Everything has gone’: a world-first study looks at what happens when MPs lose their seats

  • Nick Petroulias, 50, was pulled over driving his black BMW in Sydney on June 20

Australia's youngest ever tax chief 'caught with counterfeit cash, fake bank cards and dodgy driver's licences'

 COMMIES TEND TO RUIN EVERYTHING: The Dismantling of Hong Kong. “After the national security law passed in June 2020, friends began leaving Hong Kong every few weeks. One by one, they disappeared from the camera reel on my phone, leaving me with things they couldn’t take with them: an oven, a Sodastream, a sous-vide machine, a stone diffuser, and five bottles of ground cinnamon. From 2020 through 2021, it was reported that 116,000 residents had left, often departing for countries like Britain and Canada, which, amidst the turmoil, announced residency schemes for Hong Kongers. Every other day on social media, someone pens a eulogy for the city. They were leaving; there was no way to plan for a future in this place, where every day brought about an unexpected change to the existing set of rules. Hong Kong had ‘become a place that could no longer tolerate truth,’ pollster and moderate commentator Chung Kim Wah said earlier this year. He was born and raised here, but he craved broader skies and fresher air where he would no longer have to worry about shifting red lines.”

From text messages to fraudulent ads, how scammers are draining bank accounts

From Rose Bay to riot squad raid: police target alleged Dark Web dealers

Bill Text (PDF) | One-Pager (PDF) – “United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) introduced the Health and Location Data Protection Act, legislation that bans data brokers from selling some of the most sensitive data available about everyday Americans: their health and location data. 

The legislation is cosponsored by Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Chair of the Senate Finance Committee; Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee; Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.); and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chair of the Senate Budget Committee.

Lifehacker: “Unless you’ve sworn off Google for good, at least some part of your digital life is likely entwined with the company. Maybe you only have a Gmail account, or maybe you rely on Google for everything from personal photo storage to sharing files at work. 

Chances are excellent you have some important data connected to your Google Account, which makes it essential that you, and only you, have access to it. Unfortunately, the internet is a treacherous place. Bad actors are constantly trying to break your defenses to steal valuable personal information. Even when you try to avoid phishing schemes and practice good password hygiene, there’s always a risk someone will access to your Google Account, and you need to be able to identify and remove them, pronto. You could wait around for Google to warn you about a new login from a strange device, but if the break-in has already happened, you probably missed the alert. 

You could check to see if any of your files were recently accessed, or check for read emails you’re sure you didn’t open. But there’s a more reliable method for rooting out an intruder: Google will tell on them for you…”

World’s Largest Computing Society Makes Thousands of Research Articles Freely Available; Opens First 50 Years Association for Computer Machinery Backfile