
Thursday, April 28, 2022


Is Vlad mad or bad? The life of Putin — from a childhood being chased by rats to today’s isolation and paranoia

UN Secretary General describes war in Ukraine as ‘absurdity’ in 21st century António Guterres visits Borodianka outside Kyiv where Russian forces are accused of massacring civilians 

 RUSSIA IN THE END WANTS TO BE THE USSR AGAIN:  Ukraine Updates: Russia Cutting Gas to Poland and Bulgaria, Claims Ukraine Making Nukes

Explosions and downed drones suggest Ukraine is striking targets deeper inside Russia. “In Russia, three governors described incidents involving drones or blasts on their territories. An ammunition depot was set on fire near Belgorod, a city less than 20 miles from the border. Two explosions were reported in Voronezh, nearly 200 miles from Ukraine, and a Ukrainian drone was reportedly shot down over Kursk, about 70 miles from the border. The attacks in Kursk and Voronezh, where air-defense systems were reportedly activated, raised the specter of a wider war, as they were farther inside Russia than previous targets.”

Of course, this stretches Russian resources further, and when their air defense systems activate it poses problems for the Russian air force as those systems aren’t great at telling friend from foe.

UPDATE: From the comments:

Imagine that you are a colonel that has been selling military supplies on the black market.
Imagine that you are a politician that pocketed graft instead of actually buying supplies for the military.

Imagine that you know that someone is going to come looking for those supplied now that a war is on.

Oops….I’m sorry, comrade…all the evide…I mean the supplies burned up.

Heh. We may see “Ukrainian Special Forces” burning down warehouses all across Russia, just ahead of the auditors.

A Recap Of The War In Ukraine – by Gonzalo Lira (via Moon of Alabama). Consolidated Twitter thread.

What if Russia Wins Its War Against UkraineDoug Bandow,

“Everything You Know About Ukraine Is WRONG” (video) Boy Boy, YouTube. Skippy remarks: “My well read and media savvy 26 year old popped it on for me…”

Seeing signs: intelligence chiefs dig deeper on Solomons debacle

 Number of US police officers murdered up by 59%.“Murders of all kinds across the US have risen dramatically since 2019.”

  “We were hated. We were literally hated overnight.”

EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY: Facebook Doesn’t Know What It Does With Your Data, Or Where It Goes.

Facebook is facing what it describes internally as a “tsunami” of privacy regulations all over the world, which will force the company to dramatically change how it deals with users’ personal data. And the “fundamental” problem, the company admits, is that Facebook has no idea where all of its user data goes, or what it’s doing with it, according to a leaked internal document obtained by Motherboard.

The document was written last year by Facebook privacy engineers on the Ad and Business Product team, whose mission is “to make meaningful connections between people and businesses,” and which “sits at the center of our monetization strategy and is the engine that powers Facebook’s growth,” according to a recent job listing that describes the team.

What it comes down to is this: So long as your data is how Facebook makes money, the company has no vested interest in what happens to it after they’ve gotten their cut.