
Sunday, February 06, 2022

Why Art Ought To Be A Daily Habit

The propagandists at Fox News milked the story of a former WA state trooper who resigned from his job rather than get vaccinated...until he died of Covid-19. Fox hasn't reported his death.

The Melbourne man who created the popular alcohol retailer played a huge part in how Aussies drink, but he almost became a priest instead.

The founder, however, seemed destined to end up in the alcohol industry despite toying with becoming a priest.

How popular retailer Dan Murphy’s

On Scrabble. "Once your brain is attuned to anagrams , you start seeing them everywhere. When I see 'New York,' my brain rearranges it into WONKERY. The 'Hamptons' become PHANTOMS. A street sign reading 'right lane' becomes EARTHLING."

Meta Book 📕 of Faces: Working through the eye of a social media storm

"Multitasking Isn't Progress – It's What Wild Animals Do for Survival".

Why Art Ought To Be A Daily Habit

Arthur Brooks: Engaging with art after worrying over the minutiae of your routine is like looking at the horizon after you’ve spent too long staring intently at a particular object: Your perception of the outside world expands. - The Atlantic

Why Art Ought To Be A Daily Habit

Arthur Brooks: Engaging with art after worrying over the minutiae of your routine is like looking at the horizon after you’ve spent too long staring intently at a particular object: Your perception of the outside world expands. - The Atlantic

Did Marshall McLuhan Lead Us To Fake News?

McLuhan's doctrine was attractive to the Boomers because it explained that everything the older generation knew, or thought they knew, was an illusion. Everything the Boomer tribe intuitively felt, on the other hand, was real. - Quillette

You Think AI Ought To Make Moral Judgments For Us? (Psst! It’s Already Happening)

Recently, some scientists taught an artificial intelligence software, called Delphi (after the ancient Greek religious sanctuary), to make moral pronouncements. Type any action into it, even a state of being, like “being adopted,” and Delphi will judge it (“It’s okay”). Delphi is a “commonsense moral model.” - Nautilus

Oops: Nielsen Admits It Undercounted Viewership And Cost Ad Dollars

Between April and the end of the 2021, the VAB says, Nielsen did not count “one and a half billion impressions” in 20 top events.  The group believes the true total of advertising dollars lost during the period could be more than $350 million. - Variety

Why Is It Taking So Long To Develop More Female Conductors?

“If you don’t have role models, it’s much harder to see yourself as a conductor – and there were male musicians who wouldn’t see themselves as conductors either.” - Irish Times