
Thursday, February 24, 2022

The End Of Mass Market Products

Drunk woman on motorized suitcase leads bicycle cop on chase through Orlando Airport.

Despite Emergency COVID Aid, Arts Funding In Australia Remains Well Behind Peer Countries

"Standard levels of funding of arts and culture in Australia continue to lag behind major world economies and have failed to keep up with inflation or population growth, an analysis of spending shows." - The Sydney Morning Herald


The Guardian and other newspapers around the world are going to town this m morning on the fact that they have another leak from banks that suggest nefarious and tax haven activity. This is the Guardian headline

We need a war on the corruption that lets world leaders think they can claim assets illicitly

I have just Tweeted this thread:

There is talk of war this morning. A thread….

Putin clearly agreed to take no action against Ukraine during the winter Olympics. The need to keep China on side shows how weak his position really is. It also suggests war could start tomorrow.

That Putin could win territorial gains in Eastern Ukraine appears indisputable.

The End Of Mass Market Products

Mobility, consumer expectations, and technology are evolving exponentially, and there is huge appetite for low-friction user experiences, on-demand delivery, and personalized manufacturing. These are the technologies that are completely reshaping this century’s consumer behavior. - Shelly Palmer

The Sleep That Never Ends

If we're feeling surveilled, it might be because our electronic gadgets never really turn off. Instead, they're "sleeping" - or perhaps lying in wait. "This is mostly a good thing, improving our lives, though I also worry it adds to our sense of disquiet." Er ... yes. - Slate

What to Do When You’ve Been Hacked

PC Mag: “When your email, credit card, or identity gets hacked, it can be a nightmare. Knowing what to expect can be a help; knowing how to head off the hackers is even better. Our guide helps with both. In the modern online world, privacy is a rare commodity. Big corporations know all about you, aided by data brokers that collect and collate all the data crumbs you leave as you wander the internet. But this lack of privacy is nothing compared to what happens if a criminal hacking team digs deep into your personal information. Big companies want to sell you stuff; hacker crews want to steal your stuff. They’ll monetize their unauthorized access to your life as quickly and thoroughly as they can, preferably before you even know there’s a problem. Some experts prognosticate that 2022 will be the biggest year ever for data breaches. Sooner or later, your personal life will be exposed. What can you do when you realize that you’ve been hacked?…”

Links Between Music Preference And Personality Hold True Even Across Cultures And Demographics: Study

The research, involving well over 350,000 people in more than 50 countries, tested subjects for the "Big Five" personality traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) and classified the (Western) music that respondents liked in five descriptive categories (Mellow, Unpretentious, Sophisticated, Intense, and Contemporary). - Ludwig Van

by C Shearer2018Cited by 1 — Authors: Christine Shearer (University of Technology Sydney; Institute of Public. Administration Australia (IPAA); PhD student; Address: C/- UTS, Centre for.
37 pages·329 KB

This book draws on recent empirical research and reports unique insight into the craft of public administration of the most senior echelons of the Australian Public Service (APS).This work is set in the context of a comparative analysis of the significant public sector reforms by successive governments from the 1980s across Westminster polities. Such reforms and the contemporary management ideas on which they were based, including new managerialism and 'new public management' (NPM) travelled, were translated and transformed with some elements accepted and others rejected. This book addresses how the most senior public servants in the APS construct their craft today amid such reforms. Chapter two covers the myriad of public sector reforms across Westminster polities. Chapters three and four cover the environments and contemporary management ideas which influence public administration. Chapters five and six showcase the public actors and the responsibilities they execute when they construct their craft. The final chapter provides a conceptual model of the craft of public administration and provides implications for theory and practice.

The Business 3MT Competition entrants for 2014

Main photo: Associate Dean, Research, Stephen Taylor, with Business 3MT winner Sarah Cobourn. Above: Stephen Taylor with Business 3MT entrants Charles Okumu, Bonny Parkinson, Moira Scerri, Sarah Cobourn, Christine Shearer, Marco Berti and Richard Audley.

UTS Sydney