
Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Banned Books

“He’s just like a lot of Irishmen I know. He pretends to be a wild Celt  but he’s frightened to do anything his neighbours wouldn’t approve of.”

David Dickson, Dublin: The Making of a Capital City.  Yes this is Dublin only, but still one of the best books on Irish history I know.

Australia, Lithuania to unite in countering China pressures

The foreign ministers of Australia and Lithuania have agreed to step up cooperation on strategic challenges, in particular pressures from China

Grace Tame accuses employee of government-funded organisation of 'threatening' phone call to protect Scott Morrison's reputation

The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent & Defy Effectively.

 Are people less likely to give you help when you ask over Zoom?

Our democracy has been corrupted by money

Senators Have Re-Introduced the Highly Unpopular EARN IT Bill That Would Scan All Online Messages

The EARN IT Act would authorize a massive new private surveillance system, rolling back important privacy and security features

Rod Serling – Book banning and librarians

@RexChapman – “The Twilight Zone, any kid born in the 70s, watched this near bedtime & gave you good/bad dreams, superb tv. The Twilight Zone: “Obsolete Man” (1961) ‘Logic is an enemy, and truth is a menace.’ Romney Wordsworth is put on trial for being obsolete. His occupation as a librarian is punishable by death as the State has eliminated books. Rod Serling was the man.”

Australia is more corrupt than ever, but the media stays quiet

Australia has a deteriorating global corruption ranking — and the mainstream media is ignoring it entirely.