
Monday, November 15, 2021

Why is Europe returning to the dark days of Covid?

 Battle among Ecuador prison gangs kills at least 68 inmates AP

This Thanksgiving, the Masks Are Off, the Dinner’s Inside and the Relatives Are Back WSJ

Oklahoma Guard goes rogue, rejects COVID vaccine mandate after sudden change of command Air Force Times

Ron Klain retweet spurs court to slam brakes on Biden vaccine mandate NY Post

‘They See Us as the Enemy’: School Nurses Battle Covid-19, and Angry Parents NYT


As the U.S. Races to Vaccinate Kids Against Covid-19, Some Countries Hold Back WSJ

Why is Europe returning to the dark days of Covid? Guardian

Anti-Vaxxers and Politicians Push Germany to the Brink Der Spiegel

Freud’s diagnosis was hysteria: There was nothing medically wrong with her; the problem was in her mind. Patients with hysteria might spasm or freeze up; they would make bizarre stereotyped movements or find themselves incapable of getting out of bed; sometimes they would suffer intense, specific pains jumping around their bodies, for which there was no known physical cause. Still, there might be a physical solution. At the time, Freud was influenced by Wilhelm Fliess, a quack doctor who’d identified a hidden connection between the sexual organs and the cavities of the nose. In 1896, Freud handed Emma over to Fliess, who elected to remove one of the turbinate bones inside her nose. The operation seemed to be a success—but Emma wouldn’t stop bleeding. Constant hemorrhages, and an endless stream of foul-smelling discharge pouring out of her nose.


Wild Bidding Wars Erupt at Used-Tractor Auctions Across the U.S. Yahoo Finance

How Buffalo News Helped Keep a Socialist out of City Hall FAIR

Establishment Dems in Buffalo Unfazed by Sabotage of Party’s Mayoral Nominee Truthout

He Tore Down Motels Where Poor Residents Lived During a Housing Crisis. City Leaders Did Nothing. ProPublica

Why Columbia Graduate Workers Like Me Are on Strike Jacobin