
Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Ends of Everythings. Mental strategies to deal with the Apocalypse

When bad employers say they cannot find workers what they mean is they are not prepared to change their business model and raise wages.

How Delaware Became the World’s Biggest Offshore Haven Foreign Policy

Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps.

The ‘House of Graz’ – For the First Time, a Communist Elected Mayor in Austria’s Second-Largest City Defend Democracy

Before Richard Ludwig's company went bust, he and his pre-insolvency advisers smuggled more than $740,000 out of the business

The Tax Justice Network’s State of Tax Justice report for 2021 claims that tax haven abuse by wealthy people costs $171 billion a year. The actual figure is more likely to be $4 billion a year.

The Tax Justice Network has published its 2021 State of Tax Justice Report. Regular readers of this blog will know that I was underwhelmed by
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We have a supposedly wealthy world that looks to be fundamentally feudal that has been created by financial engineering and tax incentives. So now we need to change the rules.

The McKinsey Global Institute has produced a new report on wealth. I have not read all the detail as yet – but strongly suspect I
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Far from being the sole appanage of religious narratives, the concept of the Apocalypse has been adopted by mainstream culture. In 1995 already, philosopher and semiotician Umberto Ecosaid: «Everyone plays with the ghost of the Apocalypse and at the same time exorcises it. The thought of the end of time is today more common in the secular world than in the Christian one.” The Apocalypse has thus become a concept through which we conceptualise our anxieties about existential threats and about the future in general.

The Ends of Everythings. Mental strategies to deal with the Apocalypse

The Conti ransomware group has suffered an embarrassing data breach after a security firm was able to identify the real IP address of one of its most sensitive servers and then gain console access to the affected system for more than a month.

The exposed server, called a payment portal or recovery site, is where the Conti gang tells victims to visit in order to negotiate ransom payments.

“Our team detected a vulnerability in the recovery servers that Conti uses, and leveraged that vulnerability to discover the real IP addresses of the hidden service hosting the group’s recovery website,” Swiss security firm Prodaft said in a 37-page report published on Thursday, identifying the server as hosted on, an IP address owned by Ukrainian web hosting company ITL LLC.

Conti ransomware gang suffers security breach

Benjamin C. Carpenter (St. Thomas), A Letter to Students on the Meaning of Work and Professional Formation, 17 U. St. Thomas L.J. ___ (2021):

The law is a wonderful profession—one that provides opportunities for individuals to make a formative difference in people’s lives, to work with talented colleagues and against skilled opponents, to earn the respect of others, and to make a generous income while doing so. However, it is also the profession with the highest rates of substance abuse, anxiety, and depression among its members—particularly for attorneys within their first ten years of practice. While the rewards of practicing law can be great, so too can be the demands and, at times, the costs. Finding one’s place within the profession while navigating the challenges is a difficult process for all lawyers. In particular, how will one respond when their professional choices or actions challenge their deeply held (but perhaps previously untested) views of themself? Ultimately, how does one reconcile who they are as a lawyer with who they are as a person? We all search for meaning in our work. We all struggle with the tension between maximizing comfort and maximizing impact. We all struggle to reconcile our various roles—as an advocate, colleague, mentor, parent, spouse, child, and friend.

WCTV, FSU Law Associate Dean Dies From COVID-19:

Mask Wearing Cuts New Covid-19 Cases By 53%—It’s The Best Public Health Measure Against The Virus, Study Finds Forbes. The study: Effectiveness of public health measures in reducing the incidence of covid-19, SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and covid-19 mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis BMJ

Can a Vastly Bigger National-Service Program Bring the Country Back Together? New Yorker . It is a given that children of the 1% will not participate. 


Corporations are using inflation as an excuse to raise prices and make fatter profits — and it’s making the problem worse Business Insider  Quelle surprise!


An Inflated Sense of Inflation (w/ Stephanie Kelton) Michael Moore 


CVS closing hundreds of its drugstores over the next 3 years New York Post  “Drug store deserts?”. Moi: Drugstores started thinking they could compete with grocery stores and that led to bigger footprints. I hazard they went too far in that direction. 

DogPhone Will Let Dogs Use Phone Gizmodo 

A millionaire German shepherd is selling a 9-bedroom Miami mansion previously owned by Madonna, with an asking price of more than $30 million Yahoo (David L)