
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Schlegel Twitter is the best Twitter

 Schlegel Twitter is the best Twitter

David Petraeus on why he believes the U.S. should have remained in Afghanistan, and the five major lessons we can take from the last 20 years of war.

The mystery of 52 Goulburn Street …

WELL, YOUR VISION GETS WORSE BUT YOU CAN SEE THROUGH PEOPLE BETTER:  Key mental abilities can actually improve during aging

Gretchen Carlson is most famous for her role in exposing former Fox chief executive Roger Ailes as a sexual predator, her story brought to life by Nicole Kidman on the big screen in Bombshell. 

Now she, along with several other former Fox News insiders, is speaking out about the transformation of the cable news network into a propaganda vehicle for Donald Trump.

10 Summer Book Recommendations For Tax Attorneys:

10 Summer Book Recommendations For Tax Attorneys

The Moronic Moped Marathon Will Visit Britain's Rudest Places

Grandstanding: The Use and Abuse of Moral Talk, by Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke, reviewed by Evan Westra. 

War Crimes: Causes, Excuses, and Blame, by Matthew Talbert and Jessica Wolfendale, reviewed by Stephen N. Woodside. 

1000-Word Philosophy  ∅     

Project Vox      ∅  

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media     

  1. Kieran Setiya reviews Inwardness: An Outsider’s Guide, by Jonardon Ganeri, Touch: Recovering Our Most Vital Sense, by Richard Kearney, and Intervolution: Smart Bodies Smart Things, by Mark C. Taylor at Los Angeles Review of Books

Compiled by Michael Glawson

BONUSSome people say you should “go with the flow.” In this paper I will…

WG Sebald’s Secret Trauma

The author of The Emigrants and Austerlitz was haunted by his country's, and especially his own family's, history of violence and genocide. - The Observer 

All Over The World, More Governments Are Censoring More Books: Study

A "Freedom to Publish" report from the International Publishers Association covers hundreds of examples of censorship since the start of the COVID pandemic — not only in such countries as Belarus, Hungary, and China, but also in the US, France, and the UK. - Publishers Weekly

Collision time

Tangerine Dream: Zeitraffer, an exhibition at London’s Barbican (via Synthopia) / a curated selection of Google’s best doodles / an Oliver Hill classic given the contemporary makeover treatment. This listing / Citizenmagazine, an architectural journal / local issues: Ryde Esplanade Matters / inside the German submarine SM UB-110, 1918, at album of sea monsters. A photograph that gives us complete anxiety / ‘The life expectancy of a character in a public information film was roughly 4.3 seconds‘ / mathy prog from Poly-Math / mathy rock from A-Tota-So / Last Day Deaf offers up a selection of contemporary textural/reverb-drenched songs / My Imaginary Lake, post rock from Spain / hunting HMS Beagle, a ship that has effectively vanished / it’s the end of the line for Ballardian, one of our favourite websites. ‘Ballardian has also run its course. The site has been part of my personal drive to absorb Ballard’s work, a mission that began when I commenced my PhD on him in 1996 and culminated in the 2018 publication of my theory-fiction novel Applied Ballardianism: Memoir of a Parallel Universe (a fantastical account of academic failure and literary obsession, filtered through the Ballardian lens). I don’t really have anything left in the tank. As Miévilleindicated, the idea of ‘the Ballardian’ has become so ingrained it’s a cliche to state it.’

Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center – 2020-21 “Smart City” Cautionary Trends & 10 Calls to Action to Protect and Promote Democracy – “…This report is an urgent warning of where we are headed if we maintain our current trajectory of augmenting our public space with trackers of all kinds. In this report, I outline how current “smart city” technologies can watch you. I argue that all “smart city” technology trends toward corporate and state surveillance and that if we don’t stop and blunt these trends now that totalitarianism, panopticonism, discrimination, privatization, and solutionism will challenge our democratic possibilities. This report examines these harms through cautionary trends supported by examples from this last year and provides 10 calls to action for advocates, legislatures, and technology companies to prevent these harms. If we act now, we can ensure the technology in our public spaces protect and promote democracy and that we do not continue down this path of an elite few tracking the many…”

Near-Death Experiences Can Scar Animals for LifeAtlantic 

Ten Observations on Lullabies The Honest Broker 

Imagination is such an ancient ability it might precede language Aeon 

Forgotten island with ‘open coffins and bones’ emerged from Kent river: ‘Like horror film’ Express. Kevin W: “Climate change at work.”

If your coffee’s going downhill, blame climate change Reuters