
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

These Plants Act Like Bees in a Hive

 In Britain people are now being warned *not* to get their second dose at 3 or 4 weeks because this offers less protection than waiting 8 weeks or longer

Patriotism needs more active, more suspicious citizenship

“Whose side are you on?” prime minister Tony Abbott once publicly asked the ABC when he felt that it was no...

These Plants Act Like Bees in a Hive NYT. Plant eusociality.

Global reflation? (PDF) Bank of International Settlements. “A closer look at the data reveals that the pickup in inflation can be ascribed largely to base effects, increases in the prices of a small number of pandemic-affected items and higher energy prices. A common thread through these causes is that their effect on inflation is likely to be temporary. ”

The two big reasons to doubt the global boom FT

Robotaxis: have Google and Amazon backed the wrong technology? FT. Showing a yellow card on the Betteridge’s Law violation.

Why you can swap Bitcoin for many things, but not buy anything with it Altered States of Monetary Consciousness. I alluded to this in my post on Salmon; I thought I had posted it, but I left it on the cutting room floor.

The Controversial Prosecutor at the Heart of the Julian Assange Case The Intercept

Report on the fighting state of the U.S. Navy.

The culture that is Dutch: “Dutch Queen, robot involved in opening of 3D-printed bridge in red-light district.

Drunk Indian buffaloes blow cover on contraband booze.

How Giannis could shoot free throws better (of broader performance relevance too, NYT).

How do you identify “hot streaks” of individuals?

Canada launches a dedicated refugee stream for human rights defenders.

Good interview with Zaila Avant-Garde.