
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

‘Financial surrealism’: Lebanese opt for beer over banks Reuters

Study: Pfizer, Moderna vaccines not a threat to male fertility

ATO makes online users wait in virtual queue

Scams based on the ATO are so common that the body has a dedicated page to alert taxpayers with examples from the preceding two years.

Phone scams in particular have attracted a lot of attention. The ATO has even provided a real example online to warn the public.

Tax time is the perfect opportunity for scammers, as taxpayers are often time-poor, working to a deadline and are conscious of the legal consequences of failing to comply.

Receiving an email, SMS or voice call at this time of year with a tax-related matter has an air of legitimacy (we expect them) and a sense of urgency (we don't want to be fined).

But illegitimate demands for payment and requests for information can lead to huge financial losses and identity fraud

We have filed a case under your name': Beware of tax scams — they'll be everywhere this EOFY

Jeremy Hirschhorn Making Better As Usual ... - Media Dragon

The World Relies on One Chip Maker in Taiwan, Leaving Everyone Vulnerable WSJ

How America quietly lost 2,700 ships Business Insider

Lederman & Christians: An Overview Of U.S. Federal Tax Controversies

This video provides a general overview of the common paths of a U.S. federal tax controversy involving a tax deficiency or refund, from audit through potential litigation. It includes discussion of the administrative IRS Appeals process, the multiple trial-level courts available, where appeal lies, which precedent applies, and some factors that may arise in choosing a tax litigation forum. 

Julian Assange and the collapse of the rule of law

Chris Hedges gave this talk at a rally Thursday night in New York City in support of Julian Assange. John and Gabriel Shipton, Julian’s father and brother, also spoke at the event, which was held at The People’s Forum.... 

‘Financial surrealism’: Lebanese opt for beer over banks Reuters