
Friday, April 23, 2021

We should seek to ensure that all can live with freedom from fear

 We should seek to ensure that all can live with freedom from fear

As Covid Death Toll Passes 3 Million, a Weary World Takes Stock NYT

The Grief Crisis Is Coming NYT

Word frequency laws


In 1945 the linguist George Zipf observed two strange word frequency phenomena: the longer a word is, the less common it is; and the most common word is used twice as much as the second most common, three times more than the third.

France Is Giving Citizens $3,000 To Get Rid of Their Car and Get an Electric Bike

I began writing this a few weeks ago, when I awoke with my head brimful of ideas in the middle of the night and writing
Read the full article…

How Endorsements Took Over Celebrity Culture

“The celebrity endorsement is a three-way relationship connecting the star, the product and us, and the internet has worked to draw all of its participants closer and closer together. We’re all mingling on the same platforms, our photos pinned to the same timelines. Social media influencers have narrowed the distinction between celebrities’ claims to fame and their ability to exploit that through sales: Influencers’ notoriety is itself derived from their facility at moving product.” – The New York Times