
Sunday, January 03, 2021

The restorative and illuminating power of reading

The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time The classics are still the classics, but the canon keeps getting bigger and better

First Known When Lost: A Choice.

Do you sometimes find it hard to believe that the World is as beautiful as it is?  It is good to be reminded of one's ignorance.  I receive this reminder every day.  But the World never gives up on me.

You read something which you thought only happened to you and you discovered it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky

Statistics tell us that we are all reading more in the era of COVID and that blogs reign supreme... MEdia Dragon 🐉 managed to receive over 200,000 views during the holiday season. This little blog used to struggle to get the family to look at the blog BC - before Covid ...


 Books about reading — indeed, about books themselves — are perfect for our troubled times in that they offer delight and the sense of possibility

A few months ago I came across an engaging piece in the pages of a literary journal, an exhortation to rediscover William Godwin’s 1794 novel Caleb Williams. The writer turned his closest attention to Godwin’s gripping plot and persuaded me that my failure to enjoy (or, as I recall, even comprehend) the book as a student was a stain upon my character.

Didgeridoo meets violin: the partners with no time for showy tokenism 


Nantucket, One of America’s Richest Islands, Got Pummeled by COVID. Then the Warring Started Daily Beast 

Neoliberal Champion Larry Summers Opens Mouth, Inserts Both Feet Matt Taibb


The Unspoken Premise Of Modern Capitalism Is That The World Will Be Saved By Greedy Tech Oligarchs Caitlin Johnstone

Covid exposes capitalism’s flaws Financial Times. Gee, we figured this out months ago….and I am sure we were far from alone.

These solar-powered barges can scoop up 50 tons of plastic from rivers each day The Optimist Daily 

Rev. Reginald Foster of Milwaukee served four popes as Vatican Latinist


Where is Australia's best swimming waterhole?

Top 5 legal technology stories of 2020 – Nicole L. Black discusses the wide ranging effects on the legal technology space from the pandemic across all corners of the legal technology world. The shift to remote work had a dramatic impact on both the practice of law and the business of law, resulting in the rapid—and singularly remarkable—adoption of technology at rates never before seen. In some cases, the transition was a smooth one, and in others, it was a spectacular disaster. Good or bad, the results of the pandemic’s impact were undoubtedly notable—and newsworthy. In her article Black focuses on a few topics that especially resonated with her tech savvy readers and colleagues.

Things you learn along the way

Occasionally friends suggest to me that I should write my autobiography.  Ruefully I explain that I wrote ‘Things you learn along the way’ 20 years ago. The book sold about 8,000 copies but as far as I know is no longer available. 

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