
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Teach A Man to Fish

Teach a man to fish and he will feed for a lifetime; teach a man to be, and he will know what freedom is."

Grant Leigh Saunders is an Aboriginal filmmaker, writer and musician who has secretly always wanted to be a fisherman, just like his father and grandfather before him. This fishing yarn is set against the backdrop of the beautiful Manning River 

Teach a Man to Fish

"Teach a man to fish and he will feed for a lifetime; teach a man to be, and he will ... FINALIST, Australian Documentary Prize, Sydney Film Festival

Has the IRS mailed your stimulus check yet? Track its progress with a free post office tool 

CNET- This USPS will help you follow your stimulus check right to your mailbox, so you don’t accidentally throw it away. “The IRS is nearing the Jan. 15 deadline to send out second stimulus checks through direct deposit, despite some setbacks. And it is still mailing payments up to this Friday cutoff as paper checks or EIP debit cards. If you’re eligible for a second payment of up to $600 per person, but you didn’t see the money it in your bank account yet, you may want to start watching your mailbox, where your check could arrive after the Jan. 15 deadline. There are two free and easy ways to track your stimulus check. The first is by using the IRS’ stimulus check tracker tool, which can give you information about your payment schedule, how it’s arriving, your second stimulus check total and if there’s been an error processing your check. Then, if you learn your payment is coming in the mail, you can sign up for a free USPS service that shows you when your letters have been scanned, are in transit and have been delivered to your home. That includes your second stimulus check…”


Aussie banks laundered $500m for cocaine cartels

Australian banks washed $500 million for violent South American cocaine cartels in a sophisticated money-laundering scheme, with the proceeds of crime moving through multiple countries before it was disrupted by Australian law enforcement.

Between 2014 and 2017 more than $100 million in drug money was funnelled through Australian banks each year before it was routed to other destinations, including south-east Asia and the Middle East.


US Coup ... 

Millions of taxpayers will receive their second Economic Impact Payments by debit card

The Treasury Department and the IRS are issuing millions of second Economic Impact Payments by prepaid debit card to speed delivery of the payments to as many people as possible. 

“Look around you where you work, and pick out the people who have reached their level of incompetence,” he wrote. “You will see that in every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours.” (Italics are his.)

The concept is funny; the reality, for those unfortunate enough to run into it, is not.

Following up on my previous post, Linda Mullenix Files Federal Lawsuit Against University Of Texas Law School Alleging Sex Discrimination, Retaliation, And Violation Of Equal Pay Act:  Texas Lawyer, UT Austin Argues for Dismissal, Saying Female Law Professor Has 'Bruised Ego':

MullenixThe University of Texas at Austin argues that law professor Linda Mullenix, who sued for pay discrimination, has a “higher opinion of her work than her colleagues do” and does not have enough evidence the law school retaliated against her.


German states plan to lock up quarantine breakers

Under tough new rules permitted by emergency powers Germans who repeatedly refuse to quarantine after being exposed to coronavirus will be locked up in detention centres.

It’s a sad day when mainstream politicians have reached such depths of indifference to suffering

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As the FT is reporting this morning, there is a growing demand from Tory MPs for the government to fix a date to end the
Read the full article…

‘Lazy,’ ‘Money-Oriented,’ ‘Single Mother’: How Union-Busting Firms Compile Dossiers on Employees Motherboard

Predictions 2021: Disinformation, SPACs, Africa, Facebook, and a Return to Tech Optimism

       'Gay disclaimers' 

       At Reuters Marton Dunai reports on the latest nonsense from Hungary, as Hungary's government orders disclaimers on books with gay content
       Yes, apparently:
The government said the action was needed to protect consumers from being misled
       It seems the order is directed specifically at the books of publisher Labrisz and such 'disclaimers' are not (yet ?) universally mandated -- but anything seems possible under this regime.