
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Gough, Marg and BB - COVID of Feathers

 Wastewater-based epidemiology: a 20-year journey may pay off for Covid-19 STAT. Wastewater testing is non-intrusive and doesn’t enrich Silicon Valley, and so, like medical dogs, may prove to be a non-starter. Although it has been implemented in a few states: Missouri, New Mexico, Washington. And Massachusetts–

Wastewater COVID-19 Tracking Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. Handy (pilot data) chart from Biobiot:

Brooke Rolfe

How does international capital flow? Bank Underground. In the wake of the gunboats?

How CEOs became the 4th branch of government Felix Salmon, Axios. “American capitalism is based on a foundation of legal contracts, all of which ultimately rely on the strength and stability of the government,” which corporations now seek to reinforce by withholding donations from those they consider to be malefactors. I’m not sure that’s as clever as they think:

Framing by liberal Democrats that denying Republicans corporate funding is somehow bad for them drives me up the wall. They’re doing a happy dance because their party could be the only one that’s openly corrupt?

Trumka Stopped Talk of General Strike Against Trump – Peoria Teachers Walkout – Hawaii Nurses to Strike Payday Report. Big Labor, doing its part!


More Than One-Third of U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes NYT


The Pension-Fund Profiteers Are Making a Killing From Long-Term Care Jacobin


Gig Worker Rights Group Announces App to Track Uber’s Prop 22 Benefits Motherboard. So why not an app to take Uber’s business away from them?


Blueberries, Xanny Bars, Clazzys: My Anxiety-Driven Benzo Journey Filter

The life and death of SNET, Havana’s alternative internet Rest of World

The other virus that worries Asia BBC

Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Charged With Willful Neglect of Duty Over Flint Water Crisis W