
Thursday, December 03, 2020

Trust the Science

Trust the science

Was it because it was wrong? Was there a scientific error that slipped past the reviewers? Nope. Johns Hopkins tweeted that it was because “the article was being used to support false and dangerous inaccuracies about the impact of the pandemic.”

How sad that Johns Hopkins has decided to give a pass on the evidence. Like it or not, it will get out. It already is getting out. 

WELL, THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY, YOU KNOW — EVEN IF SHE WAS CONCEIVED IN THE 20TH:  Baby born from 27-year-old embryo believed to have broken record set by her big sister.

Like Typhus, but also Not London Review of Books

New York Times, Trump Tax Write-Offs Are Ensnared in 2 New York Fraud Investigations:

Two separate New York State fraud investigations into President Trump and his businesses, one criminal and one civil, have expanded to include tax write-offs on millions of dollars in consulting fees, some of which appear to have gone to Ivanka Trump, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

Legendary football star Diego Maradona has died at the age of 60.

Hugh Grant Says He Never Wanted To Be A Romantic Hero

Not that he hated it. “I’m not ungrateful. I loved the money, of course, and I’m proud of a lot of those films. But if someone said to me, ‘Do you have any talent as an actor?’ I’d say, ‘Well, only in regard to character acting.'” – Los Angeles Times

1% of farms operate 70% of world’s farmlandGuardian


You Have The Right To Not Work Indica


Anti-Populism with Thomas Frank (podcast) The Dig. Bracing. And if you want to understand why Frank has been blackballed by liberal Democrats and won’t (at least as I heard him say on Useful Idiots) be writing on politics any more, this is the podcast episode for you.


How close is too close? Aeon

How to Work With Tribesmen (PDF) W. Patrick Lang 

Social Unrest Is the Inevitable Legacy of the Covid Pandemic. "Throughout history, plagues have caused upheaval and revolts. This pandemic will be no different."

Much of the U.S. Could Be Uninhabitable by 2050

A new report confirms earlier studies that found that climate change will render a lot of the US uninhabitable in a few decades.

A short history of Very Special Episodes on TV shows and the lessons about drugs, AIDS, and school shootings that have stuck with some people.

An analysis of representation in crossword puzzles. "Our finding: crossword puzzles are dominated by men of European descent, reserving little space for everyone else."

Online access to the NY Times is now free for all US high school students and teachers until Sept 2021.

Meghan Markle writes about the grief she felt over her miscarriage this summer and connects it to the grief we're all feeling, one way or another, because of the pandemic

Danish Mayfly chosen as 2021’s Insect of the YearEuronews

Moths draped in stealth acoustic cloak evade bat sonar Chemistry World

McKinsey advised Purdue to offer rebates for opioid overdoses Axios

Summary of the Amazon Kinesis Event in the Northern Virginia (US-EAST-1) Region AWS