
Monday, October 12, 2020

More Philosophy Songs

Almanac: Martin Luther King on hatred

  • “Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man’s sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with... Read more
    Source: About Last Night Published on: 2020-10-06

    Ain’t that the truth, half the Budget had NFP beside it, this government acts like a crime syndicate, no checks or balances and zero accountability.

    “Knowledge of the world relies / On what we can see / But experience implies / Nothing yet to be.”

    That’s a verse from “Problem of Induction,” one of Hannah Hoffman’s new philosophy-themed songs. You can check it out below, along with another new one, “The First Philosopher.”

    You may recall some of Hoffman’s previous philosophy-themed music.

    More Philosophy Songs

A masterful PR campaign: the links between Hollywood, luxury cars and the arms industry

NYPL – “As New Yorkers prepare for Election Day on November 3, The New York Public Library is proud to present its 2020 Election Reading List. The books on this list illuminate voting issues including healthcare, education, climate change, and foreign policy, and explore subjects including political polarization, the media, and movements toward greater justice and socioeconomic equity. Make an informed decision. Read as if your vote depends on it”.

The New York Times – “Research shows that watching footage of them can make you happier, so here’s a list of round-the-clock camera footage that will bring koalas, penguins and puppies straight to your screen.” 

Mohamed Abdallamsa, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto and Moustafa Abdalla, Harvard Medical School. The Grey Hoodie Project: Big Tobacco, Big Tech, and the threat on academic integrity. 28 September 2020. Cornell University,

“As governmental bodies rely on academics’ expert advice to shape policy regarding Artificial Intelligence, it is important that these academics not have conflicts of interests that may cloud or bias their judgement. Our work explores how Big Tech is actively distorting the academic landscape to suit its needs. By comparing the well-studied actions of another industry, that of Big Tobacco, to the current actions of Big Tech we see similar strategies employed by both industries to sway and influence academic and public discourse. We examine the funding of academic research as a tool used by Big Tech to put forward a socially responsible public image, influence events hosted by and decisions made by funded universities, influence the research questions and plans of individual scientists, and discover receptive academics who can be leveraged. We demonstrate, in a rigorous manner, how Big Tech can affect academia from the institutional level down to individual researchers. Thus, we believe that it is vital, particularly for universities and other institutions of higher learning, to discuss the appropriateness and the tradeoffs of accepting funding from Big Tech, and what limitations or conditions should be put in place.”