
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Study identifies clear link between long-term exposure to pollution and Covid-19 death rates

We love people because they secrete a mysterious essence, the one missing from our own formula to make us a stable chemical compound. I may not have known women more beautiful than Odile, but I knew plenty who were more brilliant, yet not one of them managed to bring the physical world within my grasp as she did

“The investigators have been fooled by the criminal’s camouflage.  Everything they think is a clue isn’t…[it] is merely a breadcrumb set in their path to lure them astray.  When an amateur attempts to conceal something, the more complex he makes his camouflage, the deeper the grave he digs for himself.  But not so a genius.  The genius does something far simpler, yet something no normal person would even dream of, the last thing a normal person would think of doing.  And from this simplicity, immense complexity is created.”

Is this the most virus-proof job in the world?

Ben Lupo sat in his basement in Omaha, Nebraska, one recent afternoon, trying to kill a brigade of heavily armed Russians before they killed him.

Exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States (Updated April 5, 2020) “Background: United States government scientists estimate that COVID-19 may kill between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans. The majority of the pre-existing conditions that increase the risk of death for COVID-19 are the same diseases that are affected by long-term exposure to air pollution. We investigate whether long-term average exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) increases the risk of COVID-19 deaths in the United States.

SO BE IT: The government excuses foreign diplomats from tough coronavirus restrictions that involve ADF oversight.