
Friday, April 03, 2020

People Behave More Cooperatively During Disasters

Western Australia's Mark McGowan has shared a rare lighter moment during a coronavirus press conference, breaking into a fit of laughter over a kebab.
Following on from reports yesterday that a NSW man was fined $1000 for allegedly stopping to eat a kebab "mid-run", Mr McGowan was asked if similar rules would apply in WA.
"I find it hard to believe someone was going for a run and then stopped to have a kebab," giggled Mr McGowan.
"They do things differently in New South Wales."
Even his sign language interpreter couldn't stop laughing at the suggestion.
After chuckling at the suggestion Mr McGowan said police in WA were largely concerned with minimising groups of people.

As the pandemic gets worse, delivery workers will get sick – and very likely some of us will die. At what point does it become too much?
Food delivery riders say employers not doing enough to protect them from coronavirus

JIM TREACHER: The First Coronavirus Movie Is Already Here, and You’ll Never Guess What It’s Called! 

I am a New York food courier. Right now, it's worse than you think

REST IN PEACE: Hillary Teachout. I’ve been following Hillary and Terry’s story for years, and I’m so sad to see it end this way.

JUST DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH WHILE YOU WAIT FOR BUREAUCRATIC APPROVAL:  Mercedes Formula 1 engineers help develop coronavirus breathing aid

On Jimmy Kimmel the other night, F-bomb maestro Samuel L. Jackson read a new short story/poem by Adam Mansbach (author of Go the Fuck to Sleep) called Stay the Fuck at Home to promote safe behavior during the pandemic. You can skip to about 6:00 to hear the story:
The book isn’t available for sale, so Jackson, Kimmel, and Mansbach are asking people to donate to Feeding America.