
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It’s the End of the World Economy as We Know It Neil Irwn

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”

USA Spending tracks federal spending to ensure taxpayers can see how their money is being used - is the official source for spending data for the U.S. Government. Its mission is to show the American public what the federal government spends every year and how it spends the money. You can follow the money from the Congressional appropriations to the federal agencies and down to local communities and businesses…”

STUART REES. Socialism, Language and Values for Post Corona World.

PERCY ALLAN. Central banks must print money for nation rebuilding (AFR 15.4.20)

An idea from 1930s Germany could now give voters hope that there is a growth plan after the virus passes. Continue reading 

China Is Bargain Hunting—and Western Security Is at Risk. “Beijing could use the coronavirus-induced economic crisis to go on a buying spree. The U.S. and European governments must restrict the purchasing of distressed companies in sensitive sectors.”

'Every measure': New plan to protect Sydney water supplies

The National Parks Association says the announcement is encouraging but fears it may be mere "window dressing for business as usual". 

How Vermont’s National Guard Army Band Did The Impossible And Built A Hospital In Four Days Last Week

The story of how about 70 National Guardsmen managed to transform a convention center into an alternate health-care facility in mere days shows a state community coming together to get ahead of the pandemic at a time when the federal response is faltering. – The Atlantic

Universities and institutions are inviting the public to share their experiences during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath. “…Universities, archives and historical societies, ranging from the Smithsonian Natural Museum of American History to a tiny college radio station in Pennsylvania, are rushing to collect and curate the personal accounts of how people are experiencing this sprawling public health crisis as told in letters and journals, audio and video oral histories, and on social media…”

Researchers Warn of ‘Wave’ of Neurological Illness Caused by Coronavirus - Gizm odo: “The damaging effects of covid-19 will extend beyond the lungs to our brains and minds, scientists are warning. The viral disease may directly affect the nervous systems of some patients both during and post-infection, and the stress of the pandemic and its economic fallout is likely already leading to spikes in anxiety among the general public. In a new preprint paper released this week in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, researchers Emily Troyer, Jordan Kohn, and Suzi Hong, all from the University of California San Diego, argue that the world is set to face a “crashing wave” of neurological and psychological illness caused by covid-19…”