
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

From Black Belt to Black Economy: Michael Hardy

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
 – Bruce Lee as quoted by another Black Belt holder John Newman back in early 1990s ... At the time I slaved in the newspaper clippings area as a crown employee and Slavic Austrian Australian, John, gifted me with a karate towel that stated 'Black Belt — A white belt that never quit'. Many admired the towel at the icebergs!

MEdia Dragon Black Raven sent me on the blog posting theme of the cryptic  topic about the black and white matters inside the daily aspects of  the new normal working from home ...
ATO provides staff with Dell and HP kit to work remotely

From the early mad apple times of biblical aDAM and Eve, Talented people want to be part of something bigger. They dream of saying, “That’s me as in MEdia Dragon. I helped create that.”

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” 

It takes a leader who's willing to get in the Yammer trenches and spend time having fun with their team to create the bond that great teams share.

 Think back on your favorite manager or boss you’ve had. What set them apart? Chances are, they were a good listener, able to build rapport and inspire others. They knew how to be a leader at work, instead of just a boss. And you think of soft skills preached and practiced by those rare flexible spirits be it Dr Cope, Patricia or MO'N .  . . These characters are rare as diamonds because as we know that only two things on this flat earth rise to the top ... And the cream de la cream leaders of Havelite variety are in dozens whereas the other variety is as common as Kafka's brownish cockroaches.

What motivates us at work other than Yammer posts by Love - reading between the lines and borrowing into aspects of doses of the latest trends and patterns

Black Raven: How to Work From Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: My Personal Tips

Wall Street Journal op-ed:  The Eisenhower Code: Happy to Serve, Reluctant to Lead, by Sam Walker(author, The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams (2018))

Senior Instructor Michael Hardy

Martial Arts Philosophy
Whatever you do, do it well 

Why did you start training
A girlfriend had a bad experience one day and wanted to learn a martial art for self-defence. I went to the first class with her to keep her company and the rest is history.

What has been your best moment in the Martial Arts
Watching so many students set themselves challenges and helping them reach those goals

Favourite Pattern
I do like Hwa Rang. Its the pattern just before you get your black belt. You are on the cusp of something new.

Favourite Sparring Technique
It has varied over time. At one stage I used a lot of spinning techniques in movement to confuse. More recently I have been using close-quarter hand techniques.

Interests outside of Martial Arts
Family is important. I am also on the Board for a charity that deals with homelesness issues, have done some photo portfolio's for models and made a few short films.

Achievements in Martial Arts
Started my martial arts training in 1986 and obtained my first black belt in 1988

ACT NAS Competitions
2005 Runner Up - State Titles - Continuous Sparring
2007 Runner Up - State Titles - Veterans Continuous Sparring
2007 Champion - State Titles - Veterans Points Sparring

Google Media Clippings: Michael Hardy

Assistant Commissioner Michael Hardy talks sharing economy & tax obligations with
Radio. Listen @

CPA: The ATO and aggressive tax planning

David Koch 
Let’s kick it off with tax. Michael, the focus for the tax office that you’ve been reminding us for a while now is the issue of the cash economy. First of all explain what the cash economy is.
Michael Hardy
Most simply it’s small business facing unfair competition, and the way it happens is that businesses try not to declare their income from their cash or their card or their online sales, they don’t pay the tax and that gives them an unfair advantage and that’s not fair on other businesses.
Michael Hardy discusses the cash economy with David Koch - transcript 

AFR: Tax Office has 50 secret agreements to stop advisers promoting exploitation schemes

Bitcoin: Australia's tax office announces it will not treat popular digital currency as money

Tax office may take some solace in the fact that Matthew was a tax collector before he became a saint.
— Donald C. Alexander

Jeremy Hirschhorn Making Better As Usual Moves: Marathon Runner and Chess Czech Mater

What’s new links of the Legal ATO database home page to access the latest public rulings, case decisions, ATO policy and more. . .

AFR -  Tax boost for working from home expenses - Financial Review

New working from home shortcut
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is announcing special arrangements this year due to COVID-19 to make it easier for people to claim deductions for working from home.

ANDREW PODGER. COVID-19 crisis shows a strong public service is vital  via John Menadue

What will save the Australian brewing industry?

Germany suspends 'beer taxes' amid coronavirus crisis

Prof Manuel Eisner: Crime in Times of the Pandemic. An Outline of Research Issues [via Mary Whisner]