
Sunday, March 15, 2020

The number of obituaries listed in the local newspaper in Bergamo, Italy has skyrocketed. Feb 9: 1.5 pages. Mar 13: 10 pages.

Really sobering and so sad. Also sad is that they are likely not allowed to convene to say goodbye and hold funerals.
The number of obituaries listed in the local newspaper in Bergamo, Italy has skyrocketed. Feb 9: 1.5 pages. Mar 13: 10 pages.

Graphs are useful but to really get what that rising curve is, have a look at the obituaries page of this Bergamo daily newspaper, comparing one from February with one from

— Ben Phillips (@benphillips76) March 14, 2020

CORONAVIRUS: France, Israel shutter restaurants, cafes, non-essential stores amid coronavirus outbreak

Satellite images of mass graves in the city of Qom suggest Iran's coronavirus epidemic is ...

New satellite photos show the coronavirus crisis in Iran is likely much worse than its government is letting on — or, at least, that the country’s leaders are preparing for the worst. The pictures, taken on March 1 by the private space technology company Maxar Technologies, were ...

Italy Sings Together During Coronavirus Lockdown

People under quarantine lockdown in Italy due to the country’s COVID-19 outbreak have been singing and playing music out their windows and on their balconies to keep their spirits up while social distancing.

Here’s a Twitter thread with more videos from Salerno, Turin, Naples, Siena, Florence, etc.
No matter how much fear and panic and anxiety and negativity are on display during a crisis, it also brings out the best in people. Humans are social animals and we can’t help sharing with our neighbors, comforting one another, and coming together even when we’re physically apart.

BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH:  On the 15th day of March, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.

PS: NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Italy reports 475 new coronavirus deaths in just 1 day.