
Friday, December 13, 2019

Strangers at Parliament House: “Retrospective Due Diligence!”

“A picture means I know where I was every minute. That's why I take pictures. It's a visual diary.” 

~ Andy Warhol quotes


Suzanne Venker: Boys Actually Need More Masculinity Via 6 foot 5 inches tall

 David Koch Kochie presenter of the best of best and almost as tall as the tall tower

Wisdom on long lasting marriage ...

UK Election results 2019 LIVE: Boris Johnson officially declared winner as Jeremy Corbyn resigns as Labour leader

Follow our live blog as the 2019 UK Election is decided between the Conservative's Boris Johnson and Labour's Jeremy Corbyn.

'A young man in a hurry': the rise of Matt Kean

For almost two decades, Matt Kean has been climbing his way up the Liberal ladder. But this week the NSW Environment Minister departed from his party’s playbook.

Obeid, Macdonald to be tried by judge alone after 'highly prejudicial' reports

Eddie Obeid, his son Moses and his former NSW Labor colleague Ian Macdonald will stand trial without a jury because of the risk of jurors being "infected" by media coverage.

Finland FlagTwo years ago we were living in a pleasant neighborhood in Brooklyn. We were experienced professionals, enjoying a privileged life. We’d just had a baby. She was our first, and much wanted. We were United States citizens and our future as a family should have seemed bright. But we felt deeply insecure and anxious.

The area around the Houses of Parliament in London and Sydney is a hotbed of food, drink and storytelling . . .

During the 1990s, one boozy minister used to tell journalists about the correlation between his willingness to leak stories and the volume of claret put in front of him. “One bottle means a Tory party scoop, two bottles means a departmental scoop and three bottles means a Downing Street scoop,” the MP would clarify as he settled into a booth at Rules, a lavish diner in Covent Garden. Today, the idea of a three-bottle lunch seems as passé as smoking on an aeroplane. The typical political meeting is as likely to be a functional one-hour lunch on the parliamentary estate — or a stone’s throw away — with the drink provided by Thames Water. 

There is a story — perhaps an urban myth — about a prominent UK journalist who was banned by one central London venue because he was thought to be eavesdropping on high-profile visitors in the toilets.

Politicians open Parliament House dining room to public

Good Food via David Blunt
Politicians open Parliament House dining room to public ... Parliament House is opening its Strangers' Dining Room & Lounge to the proletariat ...

How to earn $73ka year making coffee

NSW Parliament is hiring two baristas to serve MP's, staff and visitors at the ... precinct including the Strangers' Dining Room, the Members' Dining Room, Café ...

One former politician the Giant networker at the MCG

The Sydney Morning Herald-29 Sep 2019
On Friday we mentioned Liberal MP Catherine Cusack's recent musings about the poor service at Macquarie Street's Strangers' dining room.

NSW Parliament invites the public to high tea in the Strangers ...

Lucrative contract for former Berejiklian staffer prompts demands for inquiry

Gladys Berejiklian has denied her office had any contact with Transport for NSW secretary Rodd Staples before he urged his deputies to consider employing Brad Burden.

My ringside seat on the decade: 'Someone had to be the first ...

Nick Carroll: Where the Money's Coming From These Days


ATO awards recognise the ‘best of’ its staff, and a schoolyard rap video

JUST ONE MORE CUP: Harvard researchers say this is the exact amount of coffee you should drink to stay healthy. 

 I am a fan of ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith. I’m also a fan of writer Drew Magary, the longtime staffer at Deadspin. And I’m a really big fan of Magary’s profile on Smith for GQ.


How Your Work Is Changing Under Governance Of Algorithms

The hidden moments of reclaimed freedom that make any job bearable are being discovered and wiped out by bosses everywhere: That trick you used to use to slow down the machine won’t work anymore; or that window of 23 minutes when you knew your boss couldn’t watch you is vanishing. Whatever little piece of humanity survived in these fragments dies with them.
 – The New Republic

IS THERE ANYTHING IT CAN’T DO? Alcohol may have saved humanity from extinction, scientists claim

A “Soft” Science? Philosophy And Its Search For Answers

We can’t escape the question of what matters and why: the way we’re living is itself our implicit answer to that question. A large part of a philosophical training is to make those implicit answers explicit, and then to examine them rigorously. –Aeon

Performance Art Of Intimacy

That desire for usefulness has always been a knotty issue for performance art, since it is often both accessible (live and affordable) and inaccessible (challenging and unfamiliar). Intimacy and ritual seem to be buzzwords in the poetry and art world at the moment. –Times Literary Supplement