
Monday, November 25, 2019

Trump Lies Don’t Bother Some People. Scientists Want to Know Why

Trump Lies Don’t Bother Some People. Scientists Want to Know Why Los Angeles Times

Four Favorite Tools, a collection of the coolest tools compiled from the responses of dozens of creative people

The Facebook stoush tearing apart the swanky Sydney suburb of Rose Bay - ABC News 

Alleged Chinese spy plot to install Liberal MP investigated by Asio – politics

Defections are messy and we may never know the full story - Sydney Morning Herald

In Peak Hill, praying for rain is all many have left

The Thursday-night service brings together those of all faiths in the town to pray for rain amid four years of oppressive drought.

The New York Times Magazine’s remarkable 1619 Project is being turned into a series of books published by Random House. The project will include new essays, fiction and poetry.

In addition, Random House Children’s Books will publish four 1619 Project books for young readers—one young adult, one middle-grade, and two picture books.
The project recognized the 400th anniversary of the moment enslaved Africans were first brought to what would become the United States and how it forever changed the country. The books will be edited by the same Times team that put together the original project.

This month on the Taxcast we speak to Tax Justice Network CEO Alex Cobham about his new book The Uncounted on the politics of counting. Who’s missing from the stats, from the bottom to the very top? And how can we count better?

Plus: For decades corporate tax cuts have been touted as the way to boost the economy. This month the Tax Justice Network’s John Christensen talks about a paradigm shift on corporate tax in the UK general election: and we look at the results of Trump’s corporate tax cuts in the US – what did they really deliver?

Produced and presented by Naomi Fowler.

"If the rich, if the elites, if the big companies are obviously not meeting their fair share, not meeting their part of the social contract, why should I? And you know, why should I be the only mug who pays tax? And it erodes all the way down. And this is how States and societies crumble.”

~ Alex Cobham

“Neo-liberalism is finished, it’s a busted flush, we’re going to see a change, if not at this election it’s certainly coming and I have the same sense from the US. And the tax justice agenda will feature prominently in whatever comes next”
~ John Christensen
Original post with further reading available here, plus, don't miss the Taxcast Extra clip of Alex Cobham speaking on the funding troubles at the United Nations and how it might be more sustainably funded.  

COMMONWEALTH INTEGRITY COMMISSION: At least one federal MP is threatening to cross the floor.

“The Gensler U.S. Workplace Survey 2019 represents the input from more than 6,000 U.S. office workers across a variety of industries and demographics to provide new insight into not only what makes an effective workplace, but the investments companies can make to improve employees’ workplace experience and performance.