
Tuesday, November 19, 2019


“Vegans are vegetarians who also eat animals”
~Bathroom graffitti

 Backdrop addresses cowboy by Margaret Atwood | Poetry Foundation.

Margaret Atwood turned 80 yesterday 

Kevin Spacey To Play Prince Andrew In Season 4 Of ‘The Crown.’

LAURENCE JARVIK:  President Trump is a Whistleblower — and the So-Called “Whistleblower” is a Spy. “As the transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky shows, President Trump was attempting to expose alleged wrongdoing by former Vice President Biden, his son, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others. This means President Trump is a whistleblower –and the so-called ‘Whistleblower’ acted as a spy.”

“I conjecture a correlation of approximately zero between how one would rate oneself in relative jerkitude and one’s actual true jerkitude” — Eric Schwitzgebel (Riverside) summarizes his theory of jerks

The low-tech cameras of the past would typically take a mediocre photo, but “through its very mediocrity, each image told us that the real world was better than the one it depicted” — “But things are different now,” explains Jenny Judge (NYU)

Jaroslav Peregrin (Czech Academy of Sciences/University of Hradec Králové) reviews Proof and Falsity: A Logical Investigation


Humans are changing the world.

But the cost of our ingenuity is high.

Check out Peter Gluckman and Mark Hanson’s new book Ingenious – stimulating, thoughtful, challenging and provocative.

Some insights worthy of reflection.
·       The pace of change is accelerating exponentially – can we keep up?
·       The battle between man and nature is raging – especially given the rapid developments in technology being experienced by Generation Z.
·       We are winning (living longer, most people aren’t starving, diseases are being conquered) and we are losing (mental health, obesity, cyber-bullying, climate change, societal conduct, disharmony, extremism).
·       Digitalisation is limiting the ability of a democracy to be the model of survival for a nation state.  Platform companies rule!
·       You cannot unplug the internet.  We have to make people more psychologically resistant.  (Bring on Active Listening and Mental Toughness.)
·       Today’s dynamics of social media and public discourse polarise people and create tension/conflict, rather than harmony.
·       In social media, you select groups you already believe in.  It pulls people apart because you become more extreme in your views.
·       We have lost the appetite for measured, balanced discourse.
·       People think they no longer need a mediator, or expect – they feed their own biases to find out things that support their views.
·       Humans are endlessly innovative – no other species does that.
·       We are endlessly searching out new interventions to deal with the downsides of previous interventions.

What to do?  (KR views):
·       Educationally – give our young people emotional resilience, self-control, EQ skills and mental toughness.
·       Politically – move to longer term policy making which is driven by leaders and Purpose, not by social media.