
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Freakonomics: Why Does Tipping Still Exist?

And we lived by her fierce dictum: “Fitting in is death. Remember that.  You want to stand apart from your peers. Always." as shared with Irish Baltic Yanko ...

Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can't get away with screwing people over your whole life, I don't care who you are. What goes around comes around. That's how it works. Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve.”
― Jessica Brody, 
The Karma Club congratulations on your promotion ... funny how shit rises to the top

Freakonomics: Why Does Tipping Still Exist?

Summers & Sarin: Funding The IRS Should Be The First Step In Tax Reform

Minor crimes, major time San Francisco Chronicle

UTS academic charged with orchestrating fake harassment campaign against herself - Sydney Morning Herald

Opinion: almost four in 10 government entities fail to implement basic cyber security measures — six years after they became mandatory
TIM WATTS: Only 29% of departments are compliant with the ASD’s Top 4 cybersecurity measures that government entities are to implement. . .  

On Twitter, Hannah Woodhead posted a thread of screencaps from The Simpsons that uncannily encapsulate movies released in 2019. My two favorites are Parasite and The Lighthouse

If you’d like, you can make your own using Frinkiac, the Simpsons screencap search engine. I did this one for Booksmart

UTS academic charged with orchestrating fake harassment campaign against herself

Companies want to avoid racism, sexism and misgendering. Consultants are standing by.

Recently, a story circulated within the diversity, equity and inclusion industry (D.E.I.), one that somehow didn’t go viral on social media: At an unnamed company, co-workers were taking their seats before a sensitivity training workshop began, when some white male employees entered as a group with targets pinned to their shirts — a sartorial statement about their anticipated persecution.

WHEN STOPPING THE TURKS IS “TOO CONTROVERSIAL” FOR THE AUSTRIANS: King Sobieski monument erected in Kraków after Vienna says it’s too controversial. Will they stop selling croissants, too?

How to Buy Drugs London Review of Books
Melting with tenderness TLS. Bernard Pivot interviews Nabokov on Apostrophes, 1975.

Why you shouldn’t use your phone to shop online TreeHugger

Where can Australians find trustworthy news and opinion?


The report mentioned allegations of sexual abuse by guards as well as a bribery lawsuit brought by Mississippi's Attorney-General against several private prison operators including MTC.

Earlier this year, MTC agreed to pay $US5.2 million to resolve the bribery case.