
Friday, July 12, 2019

The MEdia Dragons Are Drowning

Dramatic horseback escapes, false identities. The Cold War’s first global manhunt wasn’t for a spy. It was for Pablo Neruda  Cold War Rivers  

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand may have made architecture a sexy profession, with the idealist Howard Roark coming to encapsulate the virtues of Rand’s objectivist philosophy. But when it comes to real life icons of the profession, those who have transformed not only the way we live but the way we look at buildings too, few names can surpass the iconic status of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Perhaps best summarised by historian William Cronon, “There is no American architect who has ever lived who has done as much to touch the world, who has done as much to realise his vision of what a perfect architecture might be than Frank Lloyd Wright.” Considered by many to be the most profound architect of the 20th century, Wright committed himself to the pursuit of detail in structure and shape.

What possessed Matt Green to walk every single street in New York City?


The Internet is Drowning

National Geographic – Rising seas imperil the delicate web of cables and power stations that control the internet. “When the internet goes down, life as the modern American knows it grinds to a halt. Gone are the cute kitten photos and the Facebook status updates—but also gone are the signals telling stoplights to change from green to red, and doctors’ access to online patient records. A vast web of physical infrastructure undergirds the internet connections that touch nearly every aspect of modern life. Delicate fiber optic cables, massive data transfer stations, and power stations create a patchwork of literal nuts and bolts that facilitates the flow of zeros and ones. Now, research shows that a whole lot of that infrastructure sits squarely in the path of rising seas. (See what the planet would look like if all the ice melted.)
Scientists mapped out the threads and knots of internet infrastructure and layered that on top of maps showing future sea level rise. What they found was ominous: Within 15 years, thousands of miles of fiber optic cable—and hundreds of pieces of other key infrastructure—are likely to be swamped by the encroaching ocean. And while some of that infrastructure may be water resistant, little of it was designed to live fully underwater…”