Google denies ties to Chinese military after tech billionaire's claim
Ever had a burning question
about how a government agency works? Or wondered what data is being collected
about a certain topic? It’s not just reporters who use Freedom of Information
requests to get access to data and stories. Our data reporter Karrie Kehoe
takes you through six hot tips
you should consider before FOI-ing the world. Imagine what you can find!!
It’s almost daily we get
asked about the impact of the Panama Papers – and how we reached our recent
$1.2 billion count of cash recovered by governments around the world. So we
decided to break it down and show you country by
country how we got there – and share even more details than
before. It’s a huge team effort to reach that headline figure, which we
couldn’t do without our network!
The medical device
regulator in Australia (the Therapeutic Goods Administration) has given breast
implant manufacturers until July 24 to respond to a proposed ban or
suspension of 25 models of breast implants due to a higher risk
of cancer. Research has shown there is a rare form of cancer that occurs most
often in patients with rough-surfaced or textured implants. Confused? Read our
explainer on the difference between smooth and