
Friday, June 07, 2019

Professor says Trump will win in 2020 unless Democrats impeach

David Epstein, via LinkedIn 
A high-repetition workload negatively impacted performance in the comic book industry. Years of experience had no impact at all. If not experience, repetition, or resources, what helped creators make better comics on average and innovate?
Trump had barely reached the tarmac at London Stansted Airport when he lobbed angry tweets at Sadiq Khan, the city’s mayor. Trump branded Khan a “stone cold loser” after Khan wrote an op-ed citing Trump as “one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat” of far-right nationalists in power.

Frans Blok has created an incredibly detailed inverse map of the world, where all the current landmasses have been turned into water and oceans, lakes, and rivers converted into land.

Not only the coast lines are reversed in this world. Also, the relief is consistently the opposite of reality. So the deepest parts of the oceans are in the Tibetan and Himalayan troughs in the southern part of the Asian Ocean. And the highest peaks, around eleven kilometer, are found in the Mariana Mountains in the west of the continent Pacifica.

Professor who has correctly predicted 9 presidential elections says Trump will win in 2020 unless Democrats impeach The Hill

- I have hidden the blood. My poems hide the blood. What do you think? I have paid ... I have paid, he says.

- The first man on the moon! There always has to be a first man. A discovery presupposes a first man and some surprises.

- Ah,

- In discovering other worlds, man will learn that all stars are empty and that he is alone. I say he is unique. I say he is alone.

- With a lot of sky around him.

- Too much sky. And a sky without colour.

- Without angels.

- Angels are in the mind and in books. And only man prints those.

- You imagine the universe made of empty closets turned into satellites by other closets.

- Empty closets, but occupied by a few clotheshangers swinging ceaselessly...

- Yes... hangers and trembling...


[...] Our most daily gestures, our simplest, most normal gestures are charged with our memory of the Bible without us really being aware of it. We come out of the Bible, we are the Bible. [...]

After a long silence, then he continues:

- The forests are very old. The forests are older than man.  They have seen the gods die. And man is naked in a forest of dust, dry leaves and roads covered with leaves and dust.

from Jean Daive, Under the Dome: Walks with Celan