
Monday, May 27, 2019

Motivated Secrecy: Ormsby Of Darknet

         There is a crack in everything

         That’s how the light gets in.

Making art is like an alchemical process for me. I want to take shit and make gold out of it, metaphorically speaking.”

All extremes be it capitalism, communism, fascism et al are bad And rely on fear and forgetfulness ...

Long-awaited driverless metro train is plagued by issues just hours after opening - Daily Mail

'Designed to deceive': how do we ensure truth in political advertising? - The Guardian

Studies prove it: People are getting dumber

According to documents seen by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, ATO officials argue the GST is currently applied to food confusingly and cite examples such as packaged ...

An $825m IT refit and super amnesty reboot: ATO's wishlist revealed

It would also remind the government that it needs to announce the appointment of a second commissioner after Neil Olesen flagged his retirement last year then went on extended leave. Since then Jeremy Hirschhorn, a former KPMG partner, has been acting second commissioner.

Why Eileen organised a hit on her already dead and beloved husband

Eileen Ormsby worked for a conservative law firm but after the GFC, she became a true believer in the wild wild world of the dark web and what promised to be safe and private market for recreational drugs. In her latest book, she set out to sort fact from fiction.

We get the government we deserve .... Always ...Retailer anger as NSW defends light rail disruptions as reasonable 

Government argues it should not have to compensate business owners for the "inevitable" disruptions

Rags to riches ride for 'colourful Sydney racing identity'

The arrest of Damion Flower has shocked a range of rich and powerful figures across the country.

One is seen as Labor's messiah, the other stood up to a mining magnate

The race to replace Michael Daley as the leader of the NSW Opposition is now on with two very different aspiring leaders.

She served an $8 school lunch to a teen who couldn’t pay. Then she was fired — for ‘theft’. WaPo

Why capitalists hope you have a short memoryThe Week

The rise of social supermarkets: ‘It’s not about selling cheap food, but building strong communities’ Guardian. Today’s must-read; you might have skipped over this so-so headline. Completely different model than the serve-yourself-on- your- app-sans-staff

IRS 2018 Data Book Release; Table 18 on Criminal Investigation Program Statistics

The IRS has released its 2018 Data Book.  The Data Book may be accessed here.

For readers of this blog, the key data are presented in Table 18: Criminal Investigation Program, by Status or Disposition.

“Recent work has explored the dynamics of secrecy and its outcomes, but has yet to examine the motivations people have for engaging in secrecy and how such motivations shape the experience of secrecy and its implications. We present a motivational model of secrecy, and test this model in diverse contexts: (a) politics (secret votes in the 2016 United States election), (b) common secrets people keep, and (c) romantic relationships (secrets from partners) across a large sample of participants. We explored the motivations people have for keeping a secret, and the psychological implications of having a secret for one’s self and relationships. We found that mind wandering to secrets (but not concealing secrets) was associated with feelings of in authenticity and regret. Moreover, it was secrecy motivated by concern for one’s reputation rather than one’s relationships that predicted these harms of secrecy.”