
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Getting ready for T an J F invasion via Dr Cope

Opera House boss given standing ovation at Utzon film premiere

When Louise Herron welcomed representatives from the NSW government who were in the audience, the crowd broke into laughter.

Tyler Cowen's Conversation with Fearless Paul Krugman

Here is the audio and transcript, here is part of the summary:
Tyler sat down with Krugman at his office in New York to discuss what’s grabbing him at the moment, including antitrust, Supreme Court term limits, the best ways to fight inequality, why he’s a YIMBY, inflation targets, congestion taxes, trade (both global and interstellar), his favorite living science fiction writer, immigration policy, how to write well for a smart audience, new directions for economic research, and more.
Here is one excerpt:
COWEN: In your view, how well run is New York City as an entity?
KRUGMAN: Not very. Compared to what? Actually, I like de Blasio. I actually think he’s done some really good things. What he’s done on education, and even on affordable housing, is actually quite substantial. But the city is so big and the problems are so large that people may not get it.