
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

There's a lot of misinformation about cyber security

Almanac: G.K. Chesterton on the result of anarchism
“If my anarchic friends will not have rules— they will have rulers.” G.K. Chesterton,What’s Wrong With the World... read more

MIKE PENCE’S CYBERSECURITY SPEECH — ANNOTATED: Long article but worth the read


World Bank partners with CBA to issue bond on Ethereum blockchain
"Commonwealth Bank has been chosen by the World Bank to be the lead arranger on a bond instrument that will be created using blockchain technology." (Business Insider Australia)

How the Space Force took over Washington
"Blame a potent mix of national security concerns, space spectacle, and pork-barrel spending." (Government Executive)

One less headache for Wellington public transport users
"'No more smurfs' as Tranzit plans to turn off the blue lights on buses." (Stuff)

LOCALIZE THIS: New York City has placed caps on the number of Uber and Lyft drivers for a year. Has your community considered the same thing?

PAULA BOLYARD PRESENTS: A quick and dirty guide to Ohio election fraud

CBO – An Update to the Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028 – “In CBO’s updated projections, real gross domestic product (GDP) grows by 3.1 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2019. In both years, growth in actual GDP outpaces growth

There's a lot of misinformation about cyber security
Don't fall for the assumptions and misconceptions about online attacks. Learning the facts will build resilience, allowing your organisation or department to explore the new applications these platforms offer. 

Innovation without the fear
Data is no longer held in digital isolation; ecosystems of multiple platforms are fast becoming the norm. This sounds terrifying for security and logistics but, with the right program, this is actually an exciting development. 

Over-specifying in the planning stage can hold you back
Upgrading always comes with some anxiety over the unknown changes it brings. Rather than sliding into the comfort of conservatism, embrace the new while carrying over the sustainability of legacy systems.

'Race politics is back', but what does that mean?
"Australia’s race commissioner exited office with an indictment of race-baiting commentators and politicians. Here are excerpts from his speech, annotated." (NYT)

Digital detox: how to keep it down up there
"Simple steps you can take to quieten down your mental hamster wheels." (Quartzy)


via Architectural Digest

Thinking Outside the Box: "the purpose of all thinking is not to think ” 


The neuroscientist Barbara Lipska spent her career mapping the line between sanity and insanity. Then her own mind began to go wrong Lipska


WHAT’S WRONG WITH TWITTER?: In a comprehensive take, Poynter’s Daniel Funke examines a social network that has resisted overtures from fact-checkers and blown off a myriad of possible solutions to stem the viciousness and hate coming from it. “Twitter’s inaction,” Funke writes, “makes it look like the company is giving license to would-be hoaxers and imposters.” (Related: Where Facebook stands on free expression)

TO BAN OR NOT TO BAN?: Can President Trump legally ban reporters? Yes and no. Says University of Florida media law professor Frank LoMonte, writing for The Conversation: “Journalists do have a right not to be retaliated against, regardless of what form the retaliation takes.”

LAUNCHES: ProPublica announced a newsletter with eight personalized emails it is calling A User's Guide To Democracy. The goal: To make a reader "a more informed, more engaged, more confident voter." ... Motherboard, the tech and culture channel at VICE, on Thursday debuted its critically acclaimed science documentary, "The Most Unknown," on Netflix. The documentary, with legendary director Werner Herzog as an adviser, examines science's biggest unanswered questions. Here's a trailer.