
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

MEdical MEdia Dragon: Good News

Honey to cure Cold and Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric fix most other troubles / ach ;-) Onions even raw keep bad spirits away 

New Zealabd born boy Richard Curtis on optimism and good news

Positive News: good journalism about good things

15 Uplifting Sites Focused on Positive Stories and Ideas for Good | HuffPost

recent article in the Columbia Journalism Review by Alysia Santo does an excellent job reviewing online news sites that cover the “glass-half full beat.” These are sites that share hopeful news or as Geri Weis-Corbley, founder of the Good News Network, puts it, “We need to be informed by a world view that is not dripping with sensationalism and attuned to the police scanner.”. 
Are these unrealistic or fake news sites, as some critics may claim? Santo succinctly sums up the critics’ argument by asking, “… can you have “news” in your title if you won’t report on the bad? The function of “the news” is to tell us what we need to know, good or bad.”

This is true but sometimes we all need a break from news that only deals with death, wars and bad economies. Here’s a list of seven positive sites you should check out when you need a reminder that people are reporting on good events, not just the negative. (For more details, I highly suggest you read Santo’s article.)
Good News Network
Founded by a former television producer, GoodNewsNetwork (GNN) says its mission is to provide readers with a “daily dose of news to enthuse.” 

Good news and positive stories are served up daily at Gimundo. Its owners have changed hands recently, with the current ones promising to never to charge subscription fees to readers.

Happy NewsA team of citizen journalists report on positive, but compelling, stories from around the world at Happy News. Part of their credo: “We believe virtue, goodwill and heroism are hot news. That’s why we bring you up-to-the-minute news, geared to lift spirits and inspire lives.”
Optimist World
If you’re interested in news on corporate social responsibility, the Optimist World is a great place to look. And sports enthusiasts take note — it also includes positive sports stories. 
Deemed “intelligent news for optimists,” OdeWire searches the web for “the most authoritative news sources for stories that focus on solutions rather than problems, and on positive changes rather than negative ones.”
Positive News
This UK site claims it is the “world’s original and leading positive newspaper.” Positive News is published four times a year and has a circulation of approximately 50,000. The stories tend to have a slightly environmental bent.
The Good NewsBased in Pakistan, the Good News aims to share positive news stories about a country that Americans rarely hear good news about. For example, did you know that Pakistani squash players have won the British Open 12 times – the most by any nation?