
Tuesday, August 07, 2018

BookTubers: We didn’t let girls do it in the old days

Strathfield Council has produced identity theft video, Protect Your ID, Protect U. | News Local

Australia's population to hit 25 million, newest resident likely to be young, female and Chinese - Big Australia

In numbers

  • 1918-5 million Australians
  • 1959-10 million Australians
  • 1981-15 million Australians
  • 2004-20 million Australians
  • 2018-25 million Australians

PSA: There's a new ATO phishing scam you need to be aware of.

Money3 accountant in tax raid

Why Bill Shorten leaves miners needing an effective, credible MCA
Excise tax leaves bad taste in the mouths of gin and whisky producers
Australian Tax Office hits HT&E with $179m NZ tax bill

THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED: Forcing staff to start work before 10 a.m. is tantamount to torture

The highs and lows of asking for drought help

BookTubers: The YouTube Figures Who Get Thousands Of Followers For Videos About Books

Christine Riccio, the most popular of the bunch: “I was reading a lot of books, and I had no one to discuss them with. I was like, ‘I’ll be lucky if I ever get 500 subscribers over here.'” She now has more than 400,000. Reporter Concepción de León meets Riccio and several of her fellows at VidCon (yes, it’s sort of like ComicCon, but for videomakers)

The Nation Magazine Apologizes For Publishing Widely-Criticized Poem

“The 14-line poem, by a young poet named Anders Carlson-Wee, was posted on the magazine’s website on July 5. Called ‘How-To,’ and seemingly written in the voice of a homeless person begging for handouts, it offered advice on how to play on the moral self-regard of passers-by by playing up, or even inventing, hardship. But after a firestorm of criticism on social media over a white poet’s attempt at black vernacular, … the magazine said it had made a ‘serious mistake’ in publishing it.”

Denmark fines first woman for violating ‘burqa ban’ DW

Have smartphones killed the art of conversation?: A decade of digital dependency – 02 August 2018 – “Most people in the UK are dependent on their digital devices and need a constant connection to the internet, according to research published today by Ofcom…
Ofcom’s Communications Market Report is our most comprehensive study of how communications services in the UK are changing.

The Corbyn Project New Left Review

A Lexicographer’s Guide to Real Words

“One of the occupational hazards of being a lexicographer on social media is that you are often subjected to arguments about whether something is a word or not. Lexicographers see these complaints and swiftly scroll right on by them, though we do sometimes indulge in a judicious (and perfectly justified) subtweet. We’ve learned that arguing with people about whether something (usually “irregardless“) is a “real word” is a Sisyphean exercise in futility, and lexicographers get enough of that at work. But that doesn’t help you, the person being hollered at on Twitter that “mines” isn’t a real word. Who better to tell you what a word actually is? So in the interest of settling all those arguments, forever (amen and amen), here is a short (senses 1 and 2) lexicographer’s guide to “real words…”

CHANCE THE PUBLISHER: No one should expect the 25-year-owner of Chicagoist to resurrect local media. By Kim Bellware.

THE POWER OF BEYONCÉ: Will her issue of Vogue be an earth-shaking moment for magazines? “The arrangement has been hyped as novel,” writes The Atlantic’s Spencer Kornhaber, “but it comes as the culmination of a long trend: the waning dominance of old-media institutions in relation to new-media stars.”

DROPPED: The USC Annenberg Center is temporarily dropping Les Moonves' name from its state-of-the-art student media center until CBS completes its investigation of the network chief on accusations of misconduct. The Wrap reports that the name change comes at the request of Moonves and his wife, Julie Chen, for whom the center was named in 2015. Also Wednesday, Moonves was suspended from an advisory board at USC's School of Cinematic Arts.

WITNESS: Observing 400-plus executions “has given me a greater appreciation for life,” says longtime AP reporter Michael Graczyk. The Texas-based journalist, 68, retired this week, but has arranged with the news service to cover future executions as needed.

WHEN CRIME TOUCHES A CRIME WRITER: Laura Lippman lives in one of the most dangerous cities in America, yet her relationship to it generally has been academic. Until June 28. Via Vulture, which is carrying a weeklong series of articles on true-crime writing, such as this best-of list.

Twitter Is Making Us All Comedians

As a child, when I heard jokes and watched sitcoms, I considered comedy to be a wonderful, ineffable mystery — like sex, or the Trinity. But the joke formats and memes of social media are training wheels, template-izing comedy for beginners. It’s impossible to look through the microscope at the comedy petri dish all day and not start to pick up on its rhythms and mechanics. For better or for worse, we’re all becoming comedy writers now, in a writer’s room the size of a planet. … Read More

Chronicle of PhilanthropyChronicle of Philanthropy:  How the IRS’s Stance on Donor Disclosure Corrupts the Nonprofit World, by Roger Colinvaux (Catholic):

The Internal Revenue Service made clear last week just how broken federal oversight of nonprofits has become when it announced that nonprofits (other than charities) no longer need to tell the agency the names of people who give $5,000 or more.

Thus the IRS has decided it does not need to know the funding sources of advocacy groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Rifle Association, which have charitable arms but raise a big share of their money through related tax-exempt organizations classified under Section 501(c)(4) of the tax code. Trade associations like the Chamber of Commerce, which are tax-exempt under another part of the tax code, are also affected.

A man who stripped naked before working out at a New Hampshire gym told police officers that he thought he was in a "Judgement Free Zone," before being arrested.

“‘We didn’t let girls do it in the old days,’ a judge said. ‘Inappropriate,’ a higher court ruled.” Deanna Paul of The Washington Post has an article that begins, “Buried in a footnote, the brief rebuke nonetheless marked a notable step in abridging gender discrimination in the legal workplace: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit scolded a veteran judge for making sexist comments in his Houston courtroom, calling his remarks ‘demeaning, inappropriate, and beneath the dignity’ of his profession.”

Vegemite advert: Ad campaign adds some salt to Australian identity ...

“Liberal activists embrace ‘dark money’ in Supreme Court fight”: Michelle Ye Hee Lee has this article in today’s edition of The Washington Post 

Why Are Humans So Obsessed With Labyrinths?

Maybe because we think they’re like our brains or our pasts: “For Sigmund Freud, the unconscious resembled the dark corridors and hidden places of a labyrinth. Navigating the chaos of that maze – achieving mastery over it, mapping it, finding one’s way out of it – was the work of psychoanalysis, he told an interviewer in 1927.”

Bankers release new code of conduct

Australia's bankers have attempted to address mounting community anger over repeated scandals by rewriting their code of conduct to include promises of simpler contracts with fewer conditions.

“I don’t tip because society says I have to,” says Mr. Pink, the crook played by Steve Buscemi in the 1992 Quentin Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs.

Where in Australia are the federal public servants?
"Inner-city Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane have won the greatest share of new public service jobs under the Coalition." (The Canberra Times)

For maximum recharge, take a Wednesday off
"If Monday through Friday is your normal work schedule, you’ll feel more relaxed and refreshed after a mid-week break than you will after a three-day weekend." (Quartzy)