
Saturday, April 21, 2018

'So bad we never put it to air' The cost of being a “charismatic” animal.

'So bad we never put it to air': Andrew Denton names and shames his worst-ever guest

'Cocaine Cassie' calls Kyle and Jackie O from Colombian prison

Not content with absolute power, dictators write long and tedious books. That's not to say tyrants are always poor stylists. Stalin's strengths were modest, butt (sic)  Real

Drinking up to six coffees a day could be good for the heart: research

Donald Trump golfs with Joe Hockey in fairway diplomacy

The cost of being a “charismatic” animal

Reputation inflation, or why the value of ratings tends to erode over time

10 Simple Ways To Improve Your Reputation - Forbes


Viral Aussie bum-bearing Instagram account 'could be forced to close' 


Woman dies after being partially sucked out of window when engine blows on Southwest Airlines jet

Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Guardian

Boos and Bravos

Reputation--How It Helps Good Companies Bounce Back from Bad ...

  From cracking knuckles to eating late: Health myths and what you should be doing to feel better