
Monday, February 19, 2018

A different culture brings a heap of trouble in Parliament's paradise

A different culture brings a heap of trouble in Parliament's paradise
Australian Financial ReviewFebruary 17, 2018 Saturday

A crowded, noisy non-members bar open until the early hours. Raucous "corridor" parties, often including politicians of all sides, at the end of parliamentary sessions. Sexual affairs involving a mix of politicians, of political staffers, of journalists that were known about and talked about but only very occasionally publicised, sometimes years later. That's not Parliament House today. It's the old Parliament House of a few decades ago. Despite the uproar over Barnaby Joyce, parliamentary life tends to be far more sober and restrained in general these days. There was briefly a non-members bar at the "new" Parliament House, for example, but it was rarely used and then turned into a childcare centre. The vastly expanded corridors are usually more noticeable for how they echo in grand emptiness. No parties permitted. Of Joyce and sex: Turnbull's parliamentary relationships rules could ...

'It was turning 50 Shades of Parly': Jacqui Lambie says Barnaby Joyce has overshadowed parliament with his personal ...

John Oliver - Barnaby Joyce - YouTube

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