
Saturday, November 04, 2017


Holtermann's three giant images of Sydney Harbour from 1875 capture the harbour at the time. The glass negative plates,  ...

Holtermann's three giant images of Sydney Harbour from 1875 capture the harbour at the time. The glass negative plates, the largest 1.6 metres wide, have been recognised by Unesco.  Photo: State Library NSW

The curious influence of Samuel Moyn. How did the deceptively boyish-looking historian at Yale became a role model to a generation of young political thinkers? Think  

Does the pursuit of knowledge trump the pursuit of ethical behavior? That question fueled Foucault's turn from madness and sexuality to politics Politics 

Dog star: Scientist recalls training Laika for space

Nursing her I felt alive
in the animal moment,
scenting the predator.
Her death was the worst thing
that could happen,
and caring for her was best.
~ Gitka as always peppered the graves of Imrich family with Aga's and Mamka's favourite flowers chrysanthemum on All Saints  ... Blessed I am with the most loving and forgiving family 

The Vanishing Pavilions: The Gutting of the Government and the Loss of Oral Tradition Richard Bookstaber