
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Fear Eats The Soul: One cannot live in the same room twice...

“You can exist without your soul…as long as your brain and heart are still working. But you’ll have no sense of self anymore…You’ll just exist. As an empty shell.”

 – J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Reading between the lines: 

“In philosophy if you aren’t moving at a snail’s pace you aren’t moving at all”
-Iris Murdoch

Why do we act the way we do? Go into the weeds of human behavior and you'll arrive at a definitive conclusion: It's complicated...  Coldest Misbehaviours  

Two Sides to Every Issue: the Tedium Twins Debate the Crucifixion, Slavery and Cannibalism Alexander Cockburn, Counterpunch. Brutal. Way better than the headline.

True and Alternative representation of MEdia Dragon ... Ask any latitudionati ...
Death begins with a moment of detachment from the body, yet a continued consciousness. People, like MEdia Dragon, who have gone through a near death experience say that they go through a tunnel of a life review. Meaning when the brain dies; it no longer needs the electrical, chemical, and oxygenation. Our conscious is such a strong power that we hold. Do you ever go to a certain location and it reminds you of a good or bad memory? Or how about a particular scent that has brought you back to a certain moment in your life? If we were to consider the association between spirits and consciousness, we are to think in the terms utilizing an energy that is against the principle of creating energy – meaning utilizing energy.

All in all, I’ve learned that some questions in the world.. we’ll never have the answer to. But as humans, we are curious and hungry for information – always wanting to know the next big thing, always wanting to discover. I found the topic of afterlife really intriguing because there is no right answer. It’s simply theoretical and completely based off your thoughts. With such a wide topic, we can go about it from different perspectives and expand our area of learning. We know the first 2 stages of death, but afterlife is unknown and will alwaysbe unknown. Or maybe it doesn’t even exist. We continue to explore for answers that will never be proven

“The roots of of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”

Eleanor Roosevelt once noted, “Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.”

The cosmos works by harmony of tensions, like the lyre and bow.  Therefore, good and ill are one.  Good and ill to the physician must be one, since he derives his fee from torturing the sick.

Human, All Too Human” is a three-hour BBC series from 1999, about the lives and work of Friedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre.The filmmakers focus heavily on politics and historical context — the Heidegger hour, for example, focuses almost exclusively on his troubling relationship with Nazism.

Beyond Good and Evil, Frederick Nietzsche

The term “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” It may be a cheesy and comical euphemism however, it sums up what knowledge is to me. Knowledge is something you know because you have been through an experience or have seen or heard someone else go through an experience. Experiences have good and bad outcomes and you make your decisions based on your belief of these experiences. The euphemism demonstrates knowledge because you have been fooled once in your past experiences, therefore you know not to be fooled again. If you get fooled again, you are not applying your knowledge because you should have known to not repeat the same thing twice.

Everyone has their own life story. We’ve all had a time where we felt like we’ve been at the absolute lowest part of our life. Feeling as if nothing could possibly get better and we start to give up. But also, the same person who felt that way is here reading this. You got through whatever it was that was hurting you, you’re stronger now. To cope with pain, to overcome our problems, that’s what makes us grow stronger. Being someone who’s dealt with pretty heavy issues within family and school, I feel as though I’ve grown a lot faster than I wanted to...

Our minds are like an endless river, with a continuous flow of water. After time, the river bed shows signs of erosion, much like our brains that are continuously learning and expanding. There is so much knowledge in this world, along with millions of people, yet nobody knows it all. We live in beds of knowledge. It surrounds us and fills the air we breathe. Our brains are like pomegranates, you’re constantly finding new pockets of delicious red seeds, that you didn’t know were there. 

Information may lay stagnant in many ways. whether in books, genetics, or muscle memory; unused information is not constructive. By stimulating information, or creating a need for it, information soon becomes important. A book on how to replace lightbulbs may lay unread in a library for years, until someone needs to learn how to put in new lights creates a need for the information stored, and reads the book. This works in all aspects of life, whether it is a fight or flight reflex that exists in all generations of humans and may not be used for years on end, or the muscle memory of how to ride a bike, once the information is needed, it becomes useful...

Knowledge…where does it come from? Well, to me, knowledge comes from experiences that change through our lifetime, and those experiences were brought to us by our five senses which I consider to be a “baby” step of knowledge. We see that through experiments and research we are able to study that even babies have instincts, to survive, and from those instincts we evolved. Humans were not born with the ability to known what a for example, piano sounds like by reading a textbook without anyone explaining it or actually play (touching keys etc) of a piano. 

“The only source of knowledge is experience”
-Albert Einstein

To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.

 —  Nicolaus Copernicus 

Knowledge to everyone is different because of our separate experiences that we have gone through. We see things in a different perspective and we also use our senses to guide us through to understand what is right and wrong or what we should do and what we shouldn’t. We are all easily influenced just depending on the crowd or environment we are in.

Premise 1: “Knowledge comes from personal experiences and our senses.” 

We aren’t born with understanding of whats going on in the world. But as we grow up, we see things, we deal with our own personal battles and we learn and try to grasp it even if its just grasping air. Opening ourselves up to the world and allowing ourselves to get hurt with whatever comes our way grants us knowledge because we have that impact of emotions that teaches us. All of our experiences gets encoded into our brain so with whatever the trigger may be, the knowledge is there in reach for us to grab it. Also our senses, humans get influenced easily. They snapshot each and every part and apply it to themselves. If they see something bad going on with their siblings or parents or friends and they see the struggle  they have to put up with, their first instinct is to back away from situations like that. 

Premise 2: “Humans apply what we have gone through and seen to our everyday lives”

With the knowledge we have, we apply that to our everyday lives. If our friends are going through something and you have gone through that same exact issue or something similar, you can take your experiences and apply that to their situation, trying to allow them to see things in a better light. It is after all their decision to make of what choices they want to proceed in because there is only so much you can say to someone and if they decide to choose otherwise, the mistake they made will first of all make them feel foolish because they should’ve listen but at the same time it teaches them and they grow and mature from that experiences. It is always a good thing to make bad decisions along the way in life because if we are always so conscious of the choices we make being all goody goody, we don’t gain anything from that.

Without mysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known?

Conclusion: ” We may not know everything but our knowledge increases as time goes by.”

 There are still unknown things in our world and there are still many more challenges ahead of us that we haven’t gone through which will come in time. Knowledge expands and expands as we move froward with life each day. Everyday we learn and experience something new and knowledge is gained from that. Like what Peter F. Drucker said “Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.”
I just do not want your advice
Nor need you be troubled to pin me down in my room 

Since the room and I will escape for I tell you flat: 
One cannot live in the same room twice...
Porque el agua recorre los cristales musgosamente:
 ignora que se altera lejos del sueño todo lo existente. 
Because the water runs down the windows like moss:
It doesn’t know that everything changes outside the dream.

El mar que es agua pura ante los peces jamás 
ha de saciar la sed humana.
The sea that is pure water for fish
Will never satisfy human thirst