
Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Taxing Times: The Disconnect Between Knowledge Management and Counsel

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein, interviewed by George Sylvester Viereck (Saturday Evening Post, ... read more

We think we know more than our ancestors, but as individuals we know less. We comfort ourselves with an illusion of knowledge... Bene Nota for Tash and Inc 

If the human species extinguishes itself in a flash of thermonuclear craziness and the surviving cockroaches later develop the intellect to assess why humans committed this mass suicide, the cockroach historians may conclude that it was our failure to hold the neoconservatives accountable in the first two decades of the Twenty-first Century that led to our demise Common Nightmares: Trading places neocons and cockroaches

Over thirty legal scholars participated in the University of Illinois Law Review Symposium on the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. Daniel Hemel (Chicago) provides a tax perspective in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Tax Reform, 2017 U. Ill. L. Rev. Online: Trump 100 Days (April 29, 2017):

100 days ago, the political conditions for tax reduction seemed more hospitable than in January 2001 or January 1981. But, in the time since Trump entered the White House, he has done everything he could to make the task of tax reduction more difficult for himself: pursuing a go-it-alone strategy that sidelined House and Senate Republicans; refusing to hand over his own tax returns, thus handing the Democrats a political gift; and coming forward with a plan so ambitious it is hard to take seriously.

Via Mr C LLRX – The Disconnect Between Knowledge Management and Counsel – Stacy Nykorchuk‘s article documents significant facets of determining organizational knowledge strategies, creating the appropriate architecture for the content, managing content creation by subject matter experts, aligning systems with objectives, understanding user, stakeholder and client feedback, and acknowledging associated risk based on work product.
DATA Act: As Reporting Deadline Nears, Challenges Remain That Will Affect Data Quality, GAO-17-496: Published: Apr 28, 2017. Publicly Released: Apr 28, 2017. “Under the DATA Act, federal agencies must improve the federal spending data that are available to the public through the USASpending.govwebsite. We’ve reviewed the implementation of the DATA Act and found that financial management challenges at federal agencies, as well as issues with OMB’s reporting guidance, will affect the quality of the data published on the website. OMB also established a Data Standards Committee to provide advice on these data. However, this committee has not made the topics and outcomes of its proceedings public. We recommended they do so.”

Parenting in the age of dog eat dog and overtime