
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Hamilton Story

Poetry is a way of remembering what it would impoverish us to forget. 
~ Robert Frost

Hamilton 3

New York Times op-ed:  Just Like Trump, I Avoided Paying Federal Taxes, by Bert Stratton:
I’m like Donald Trump, somewhat. We both inherited buildings from our fathers. I’ve kept my father’s properties and bought a couple more buildings. For my first couple of years I had “loss carry-forwards.” I lost money and paid no federal taxes.
Some dads teach their sons fishing. My dad taught me to do taxes.
He kept two sets of books — one pencil, one ink. Self-made guys, like my dad, often kept two sets of books, a retired accountant later told me. The second-generation, like me, usually goes legit, he said. ...

Hamilton via New York Times op-ed: I Paid $2,500 for a ‘Hamilton’ Ticket. I’m Happy About It, by N. Gregory Mankiw (Harvard):
You may have heard that “Hamilton” tickets are hard to come by. ... We, however, had no problem getting tickets. Two weeks before our trip, I logged into StubHub, the online ticket marketplace owned by eBay. I found the performance we wanted, located some great seats and within a few minutes was printing our tickets.
The rub is the price. Including StubHub’s fee, I paid $2,500 a ticket, about five times their face value. Such a large markup is not unusual.