
Monday, August 15, 2016

Cyber and Crowdfunding: Coming to Terms with Secret Law

Hackers Say It Would Be “Too Easy” To Hack The U.S. Elections: “If it were up to me, I would remove every single electronic voting machine in America.”

Newly discovered malware targeted parties involved with the dispute between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea, researchers announced Thursday

Rudesill, Dakota S., Coming to Terms with Secret Law (November 01, 2015). 7 Harvard National Security Journal 241 (2015); Ohio State Public Law Working Paper No. 321. Available for download at SSRN: “The allegation that the U.S. government is producing secret law has become increasingly common.

Internet encourages arrogant recklessness Crowdfunding Model Just Turned Referrers Into Millionaires
Looks Like A Russian Cybergang Hacked Into One Of The World's Largest Payment Systems
Russians are coming ...

Data Breach Hits Obscure BCBS Business Associate, Exposes 3.3M Records MedCity News

Inspection of Federal Computer Security at the U.S. Department of the Interior, August 9, 2016: “In accordance with Section 406 of the Cybersecurity Act of 2015, we inspected DOI’s policies, procedures, and practices for securing its computer networks and systems for all covered systems related to logical access control policies and practices, use of multifactor authentication, software inventory, threat prevention, and contractor oversight. Inspection of Federal Computer Security at the U.S. Department of the Interior

In the middle of the Labour coup, a post appeared on a relatively new and obscure news website called The Canary. It was billed as an “exclusive investigation” showing that the entire attempt to bring down Jeremy Corbyn had been coordinated by a PR agency called Portland Communications, which was founded by a former adviser to Tony Blair. The piece went viral on Facebook and among Corbyn supporters but was dismissed by most mainstream political journalists as a blogger conspiracy theory.

How a Pro-Corbyn Viral Website With a Pay-Per-Click Business Model Is Taking Over Social Media

Shany, Yuval, Sources and the Enforcement of International Law: What Norms International Law-Enforcement Bodies Actually Invoke? (August 4, 2016). Oxford Handbook on the Sources of International Law (Oxford: OUP; Samantha Besson and Jean D’Aspremont eds.) (Forthcoming). Available for download at SSRN:

“One week after Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Jerry Larpenter seized the computers and phones of a suspected online critic, angry residents came to the parish council to defend free speech rights and to question Parish President Gordon Dove for hiring an insurance agent who is at the heart of the controversy.” [David Hammer, WWL] Louisiana has a criminal libel law on the books and although its continued constitutionality is doubtful given a state supreme court ruling, it served as the basis for a judge to approve a search warrant for the raid on the home and electronic equipment of Houma police officer Wayne Anderson, suspected of being the pseudonymous author of the gadfly Esposedat blog, which has criticized Larpenter and other officials. “When Larpenter was asked whether there is a conflict in him investigating an alleged crime involving himself, he replied, ‘If you’re gonna lie about me and make it under a fictitious name, I’m gonna come after you.'” [WWL, firstsecondthirdfourthposts]