
Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Terry Teaches Us Many Ways of Appreciating Arty Last Nights

The wordsmith and preserver of priceless storytelling and so much more ...

Many Happy returns to Terry Teachout who  turned sixty on Saturday. "Mrs. T and I didn’t throw a party, though. That might have been fun, but we were staying at Florida’s Biltmore Hotel, which is surely enough of a celebration for any reasonable person, and we don’t know anybody who lives in Coral Gables."

Sufficient unto the birthday

“Memory is a great artist, we are told; she selects and rejects and shapes and so on. No doubt. Elderly persons would be utterly intolerable if they rememberedeverything. Everything, nevertheless, is just what they themselves would like to remember, and just what they would like to tell to everybody.
~ Max Beerbohm, “No. 2, The Pines” (courtesy of Levi Stahl)

Drummers gather in the woods

“It was bad enough when our capacity to produce and read great stories collapsed. Now it seems we’ve turned around and loved magazine writing to death Atavist