
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Living in a World with Instant Access to Everything

Lunch with the FT: Jed Rakoff  FT Judge of the Wall Street

A YO! Home optimizes on space while minimizing the design aesthetic of those living in it

Grocery Butler was started by Michael Parthenides in Melbourne in August last year, and operates a network of around 30 to 40 couriers, known as ‘grocery butlers’ to collect and deliver grocery items within 90 minutes. Grocery Butler facilitates the online order on its website, however, is not aligned with any supermarkets. Grocery Butler looks to new markets

Rozella in Bloom May 2015

Across the globe, digital applications are connecting us with the products and services we need at a moment's notice

In this instant world we sometimes find time for self-dislike and lack of acceptance (read Pem Chodron on that) who doesn't want to dump the self we have been lugging around like a sack of rotting vegetables.

Anonymous Homeless Collis Guy. Among Millennials this is the biggest fear: winding up on the street of a cool area like San Francisco. With the biggest worry where to relieve yourselves. My generation of Baby Boomers knew that as long as we didn't become drunks we could always find another job, no matter how many we screwed up.

Why the Rich Are So Much RicherJames Surowiecki New York Review of Books (resilc)

Linkedin-logoTalk about transparency.
Try to sell a book on Amazon or post an opinion-editorial (op-ed) on LinkedIn Pulse. And the consumer interest or lack of it is quantified. And made public.
On Amazon, if your book remains a laggard, there's nothing you can do except watch it plunge to the 1-million ranking in the  lowest level of Amazon hell. The shame is so severe you may never publish another book about applying public nuisance to environmentalism.
The good news is that on LinkedIn Pulse, if your op-ed is one of those "This Black Dog Don't Hunt," you can delete it. Yes, you can.

Just go to your post, click on "Update" or "Edit." The "Delete" button will pop up. Click it on. Shame all gone. You can try again when you are more inspired.

Saluting Morning Symphonies at Jervis Bay sep 2014
Brooklyn Bar Menu Generator This is genius.

Drops of Rain, 1903 — Clarence White

Russianspy"The former owner and chief executive [Alexander Fishenko] of a Houston electronics firm on Wednesday admitted to being a Russian agent and illegally exporting sensitive microelectronics to Russia from Texas ... [The parts were shipped] to Russia through intermediaries in Finland, Canada and Germany." - Nicole Hong, The Wall Street Journal, September 9, 2015. Here is the article.
All that adds up to 19 criminal charges. Federal sentencing guidelines recommend between 12.5 and 16 years. Now, 49 years old, Fiskenko would still have a lot of life ahead of him. What will he do then? Born in the Soviet Union, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen.
Will he "get religion" in the joint and spend his time after doing time helping the U.S. government catch other spies? With that possible, will someone be assigned to off him in prison?
Baby Boomers, since we grew up in the Cold War, find this fascinating. It's what propaganda B-movies taught us to be on the look-out for. Those Russian spies could be the friendly neighbors next door with the dog and children who attended Catholic schools. We were to keep our ears open for any code language or secret signals.
No wonder with so much fear-mongering during the 1950s, members of my generation were suckers for the American brand of Freudian psychoanalysis. For three years, several times a week I 
dug deep into my unconscious with earnest therapist David W. Harderat the prestigious University of Michigan Medical Center. Of course, it didn't help tame the terror about what those spies next door could do to our parents to extract information regarding their employers.
If another Cold War is freezing into place, I hope the public relations folks in government leave the children out of it.

Rustic Setting July 2015 AD

Baby, We Won’t Drive Our Cars: The Future Of Automotive Transportation
Tech Crunch, 29/8/15. While the conversation led to many interesting conclusions, the discussion can be summed up in large part by one unifying insight:  “Transportation tech is not only changing how we get from A to B, it’s fundamentally altering the underlying infrastructure of our cities.”