
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Celebrating True Blue Australia and It's Melting Pot

Sydney is 225 years old in the bohemian eyes, but several thousands of years old according to Malchkeon ... There were many tribes around the Tarra or Dara or Tar-ra rock all those ancient silver moons ago. Aboriginal Australians are custodians of the oldest living culture stretching over 60,000 years .. S(e)xty K of Aboriginal Tar-ra and Tullagalla

AUSTRALIANS will celebrate with family and friends in true blue style today, as Australia Day events get underway around the country. Rose Bay barbecue with Mark and Michelle who lnows how to position her freshly made Pavalova overlooking the Harbour cannot get more bluer (sic) ...Australia Day

Dame Mary Gilmore is the person featured on the back of our ten dollar note. (MD acquired the greenest mango kofi as well as three huge lemingtons for it at the Hungarian Wellington cake shop on Bondi Road for this blue currencies this very morning) Dame Maria aka Mary was a passionate social reformer in the 1890’s and a poet. She wrote ‘Europe has its peaks piercing the sky but we have the horizon’. Geoffrey Blainey wrote that ‘This land is endless horizon’. Dorothea Mackellar wrote...

I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror
The wide brown land for me!

We love the horizon in Australia just Czech out Nielsen Park at dusk or dawn it's shark bay is priceless feast for the eyes and the soul. The sun rises and sets on it. It promises the opportunity of something new and exciting...just over the horizon. It offers the prospect of a growth and advancement. Our ancient land has profoundly shaped us as Australians. Perhaps the endless horizon has made us a nation of optimists like Media Dragon :-)

Australia Day is a point in time, when we can reflect and learn from the failed yesteryear policies of assimilation and celebrate rather than condemn cultural difference. A my-way-or-the-highway approach that seeks to clone a national culture fails to embrace difference and undermines the principles of mutual humanity that are based on respect and equality for all Google Captures Australia Day 2013: Lucky 13

“On this day in 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip brought the first British convict ships to anchor in Botany Bay, Australia. Over the next eighty years 825 such ships would bring 160,000 men and women to serve their “transportation” sentence — seven years for most, fourteen or life for some, no time at all for the significant number unable to survive the eight-month voyage. Captain Phillip went on to become the first Governor of Australia, and today became Australia Day — the nation so proud of being bad-to-the-bone that web sites such as offer a full listing of all those transported and an adopt-a-service for those disappointed to find no founding criminals in the family tree….”Convicted Antipodeans

Young people looking to escape the cold of the Prague winter might soon be able to move to the warmer climes of Australia for an extended break. Taking a working holiday to the country could become easier with Australia announcing it has begun talks with several countries, including the Czech Republic, on establishing reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangements. If implemented, the work and holiday visas would allow young Czechs and citizens of the partner countries aged between 18 and 30 to enjoy an extended visit to the country. Bohemian Movement Down Under