
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last week wasn't a one-off, the 'Kyle and Jackie O Show' has a history of sordid publicity stunts. Entertainment fodder

This Month of July 2009 Dust to Dust
F rank McCourt, author of best-seller Angela's Ashes, has died of cancer. Angela's Ashes, a memoir of McCourt's childhood in Ireland, sold millions of copies and won the Pulitzer Prize.

Frank McCourt had a wonderful way of bringing his past to life. I do think the laughter of the world has diminished by about 10 percent He was a wonderful, decent, modest laughing boy

During a time in which the word “survivor” is primarily used to describe jungle-dwelling reality stars, it's easy to marvel at Angela's Ashes author Frank, Frantisek, McCourt, a man who endured enough childhood hardship to be cast as a true fighter.

Frank, Frantisek; [Amazon; In a spare, brisk prose, Ollestad tells the tragic story of the pivotal event of his life, an airplane crash into the side of a mountain that cost three lives, including his father's, in 1979. Only 11 years old at the time, he alone survived, using the athletic skills he learned in competitive downhill skiing, amid the twisted wreckage, the bodies and the bone-chilling cold of the blizzard atop the 8,600-foot mountain Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival ]
• · Why would The Age take a swipe at a journal like OLO? There are a number of possible reasons, none of which are to their credit .'The Age' and 'On Line Opinion'; It's high time lazy journalists and commentators moved beyond the simplistic Balls-inspired Labour investment vs Tory cuts argument, as well as the Mandelson-inspired gentle Labour cuts vs evil Tory cuts argument, and instead focused on tax rises vs spending cuts and the debate over what the appropriate balance between these two fiscal options should be in the coming years Arguments
• · Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes commented: "A public debate on the impact of digital cinema in Europe is long overdue since some have suggested that thousands of Europe’s arthouse and local cinemas may face closure because they cannot afford the conversion costs Arthouse ; Film Festivals
• · · Add actor Stephen Baldwin to the large and growing list of celebrity tax scofflaws ; Bald win ; Professor ; The "Stickiest" Law Prof Blogs ranking of blogs based on their "average visit length
• · · · Why don't we teach Congress about how the tax code works maybe trough some games on the internet they can learn how Subpart F works - a non-partisan effort to informally educate the public about taxes through popular methods such as web-based games and other internet activities pdf ahead Why don't we teach Congress about how the tax ; A civil suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday reads like a script for a big screen Hollywood legal thriller. It's a case of the truth being stranger -- And far more complicated -- than fiction
• · · · · Lawyer, writer and blogger Nicole Black advises fellow professionals about important core techniques and goals to consider Five Things Lawyers Should Know About Social Media ; UberCEO: Fortune 100 CEOs and Social Media - " CEOs in the country appear to be mostly absent from the social media community. That's the result from research we conducted over the past several weeks. We looked at Fortune's 2009 list of the top 100 CEOs to determine how many were using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, or had a blog. The results show a miserable level of engagement." Fortune 100 CEOs and Social Media
• · · · · · Going Concern is an online tabloid covering the worlds of accounting and business finance. The site provides original news and insider analysis of the culture, people, and firms that shape the industry