
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another summer day at Iceberg ... This is a weekend to die for ;-) When the last World Cup whistle blew in Berlin this month, on July 9, it was a signal of the end of the biggest, richest and most watched competition in the history of soccer. It will also, more controversially, go down as the world's biggest-ever betting event... Football. Ltd. the ugly face of modern football: business

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Blogging Souls on Ice:
Mother Jones - An article on America's human embryo glut and the unbearable lightness of almost being.

Aanis Elspas is a mother of four. Unlike most parents, she had three of her children simultaneously. The nine-year-old triplets were born in 1997 after Elspas underwent a series of in vitro fertilization treatments for infertility

I don’t have the heart to thaw them [The Internet is rapidly becoming the world’s library: academics should be ensuring their book is on the shelf. Academia online ; Traditional media still the one]
• · Virginia Postrel on how massage went from the strip club to the strip mall PDF version Transform the health care system; The Next Starbucks? ; It's easy to make futurists look silly. For every prediction that comes true (or that sort of comes true—Nostradamus predicted that someone named "Hister" would do something terrible one day), about 20,000 more do not. Down with the techno-utopians! Up with the techno-realists!
• · · New spokesman Tony Snow has brought a more playful style to White House public relations, but secrecy is still a concern The good humor man