
Monday, March 13, 2006

Now We Are Talking: the barbecue is burning with organic eye fillets as I am locked out when I open a door for my Czech mate the front door bangs and the sound carries over the Wonderland Park. It is amazing how much the potential of burnt meal gets one’s adrenolyn rushing through your body. Without any doubt absailing had come in handy as I was up two floors from the concrete ground and standing next to my barbie searing the meat again in less than a minute. How embarrasing, however, to lock both of your hands between balcony bars ;-) Aouch! To blog or not to blog - here's some link love ... To blog or not to blog

A Change of Scenery, but Not of Purpose, on This Column's Long Journey. Good morning, Government department workers!
Bloglossary: Find terms used in blogs

The Blog, The Press, The Media: You're Only as Good as Your Next One
Gary was a loner in Congress and his overly cerebral nature alienated some people. Hart has a brilliant mind but has not been able to fully contribute to the country he loves, which is a tragedy.

When I was in office, the morning TV shows were dedicated to public policy," says former Colorado senator Gary Hart. "You'd turn on the 'Today' show and they'd have serious discussions of health-care problems and Cold War issues, and they'd have people from Congress on. Now it's all about lifestyle. It's cooking, it's dressing, it's celebrity-oriented, it's promotion of other television programs on the network, it's sensationalism. I think the heirs of William Randolph Hearst have taken over the whole industry

Hart remembers when morning shows covered serious issues [The A+ list of Aussie bloggers ; Top Ten Sources is a new site that finds best blog sources on a topic ; Lulu expansion Five more European sites ! 1,000 new titles a week ! ]
• · So Long Mr. Jeeves, is Here Gary Price's explanation on Resourceshelf ; Study: people misinterpret tone in e-mails; Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down
• · · Skipease: a blog about skip-tracing, public records and people finding ; Second Annual Blog Appreciation Day
• · · · One By One Media, LLC; Media companies across the world jockey for the best of the new internet businesses: Chris Sharkey, Audrey Hunt, Stayz, b5 media, Darren Rowse, Shai Coggins Online buying frenzy: big business swoops ; Try this on for size: According to researcher eMarketer, the ad market for podcasts will grow to $300 million in 2010 from $80 million this year Podcast Riches?
• · · · · Newspaper stories about five drug-related murders in Nuevo Laredo on Tuesday were buried after editors were threatened by drug cartel members "If we publish it, we die. It's that simple," says editor ; Today, if we want to get a message into the public’s conversation, we just make a post on a blog. If The Wall Street Journal goes after a client, we don’t have to accept that anymore. Let’s post the documents we gave The Journal; let's show the interviews the newspaper decided not to show. It used to be I would schmooze you and I was your flack "You're not God anymore"
• · · · · · What is it about blogging that causes so many of the people who do it to believe they've been anointed to an online College of Cardinals, with their own personal stone tablet engraved with The 10 - or possibly 20 - Commandments of Blogging? You're not really a blogger if ... ; Like the Internet, blogging has been over-hyped Has blogging peaked?